ZineWriMo Day 20 – Friday Night Highlights

Hello, and happy Friday, zine friends! It is quite the Friday here in the zine cave with a(nother) replacement printer now installed and (knock on wood) it will keep working. Sudden lockdown threw things into a little bit of a spin. Health and mind matters are always at the forefront…

But the beat goes on! And Friday means…

Friday Night Highlights – Show off your work in progress

Tonight’s focus is going to be on reading zines.

I recently did a radio interview with Cora Zon on Art Journal with Luke from Sticky Institute. At one point, I talked about how reviews were how I really started with Sea Green Zines.

I have been falling behind with them.

And I don’t like it.

While ZineWriMo is happening, it will be my focus. But I will be shifting my focus back where it belongs sooner rather than later.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 19 – Zine Ideas Book

Hello and happy Thursday zine friends! [Edited: This didn’t post as scheduled. Argh.]

While we brainstormed ideas for ZineWriMo at the beginning of the month, you may not have had a place to put those ideas. Welcome to today’s prompt.

Make and/or show your zine ideas book

I made this B6 sized, disc bound journal months ago and have been using it as a bullet journal. As things have changed and evolved, it’s become a lot less about where I store my everyday task lists. However, having a space to ‘catch’ all my collections of ideas has been great.

Not to mention I love the fairy lights washi tape. Hahaha.

Do you have a zine ideas book? Notepad? Sketchpad? Phone app? Shoebox? Let me know in the comments. I would love to see!


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 18 – WIP Wednesday

Hello and welcome to that midweek hustle, zine friends. It’s time to show off what you’ve been working on…

Work on your work in progress

I’m afraid this is about as far as I got with any work in progress.

I would have much rather had something more exciting for today’s picture. Alas, I finished up other work, got started cutting out these pages for a US-size split zine (my first!) with a friend, and then… Well, and then I heard the news that South Australia is going into lockdown.

These are the things that happen in our lives at the moment. It’s nothing that turns my life personally upside down as such, but please spare a thought for those who have had to make sudden changes both in South Australia and around the world with these restrictions – both new and old.

What did you work on today? Did you get further than I did? It’s okay if not. ZineWriMo is meant to inspire, not stress. Let me know what you’re working on in the comments.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 17 – Warm Up Stream of Consciousness

Hello and happy 17th day of ZineWriMo! How are we already this far through? Wow, wow, wow. Fortunately, if you’re feeling the same way and would like some time to reflect on it, today’s prompt might be just the thing for you.

Warm Up – Try stream of consciousness writing

If you’re not familiar with stream of consciousness writing, it’s about sitting down to write (you can have a page goal or a time goal if you like, but it’s not required) and writing your heart out without stopping. Any and every thought goes down on the page with neither overthought nor judgement. You can think of it as a wash for the mind, if you like.

I started journaling again for the first time in a long time earlier this year. I usually write about specific things for specific reasons, but today is about letting that pen go and not looking back.

I’ve tried stream of consciousness writing in the past, and it still puzzles me a little as to why it’s intimidating to me. Then again, once you release the damn, you can’t always predict the exact path of the flood, eh?

That said, it’s nice to be able to let things flow once I get into that mindset of writing for writing’s sake without judgement. Well, it’s me, so there’s a little judgement. But I’m working on that.

How about you? I’d love to know how others find the process of stream of consciousness writing.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

The YouTube Video Situation

So close, and yet so far away.

I wanted to post a little update on the video situation. My computer is now in reasonably decent working order, but it just plain won’t cooperate with my editing software. Specifically the exporting part. A number of things have been suggested and tried, but, all said and done, it’s simply an old computer.

I am working on getting a new set up as well as trying to figure out what to do until that happens. I can only apologise for the delay with things. If it’s not one thing, this year, it’s certainly another. The only thing to do is keep rolling on as best as possible.

ZineWriMo Day 16 – Sharing is Caring – Creative Tools

Hello and a happy Monday to you, zine friends. Alas, Happy Mail Monday still isn’t happening. I’m trying to figure out how to create videos, but without a computer that will work properly, I’m a little stuck for the moment.

However, ZineWriMo goes on!

Sharing is Caring – Show off your favourite creative tools

I love this case for most (I have way too much washi to fit it all in) of my creative tools. The pens are primarily Papermate Inkjoy gels, which I absolutely love. My strong and steady over the years Bic pens are there as well. A couple of highlighters always come in handy as well.

Tiny scissors are super useful as well as my small metal ruler which is good for bullet journal time as well as doubling as a letter opener.

There’s actually a second zipper pocket to this that I forgot to snap a pic of. There’s some double-sided tape in there because it’s is my long-time adhesive of choice.

The big picture missing here, though, is my washi collection. I love washi, have way too much washi, and use washi as much as possible.

What is in your collection of creative tools and supplies? Do you also love washi? Do you have a bag or container for creating on the go? I’d love to check it out.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 14 – You & Only You

Hello and happy Saturday, zine friends. I’m afraid my Friday Night Highlights were lost in the continuing frustrations with technology. I’m very lucky that I’m able to address and sort out these things within a reasonable amount of time, it does still get to me every now and then.

Thank goodness for zines!

Make a zine for you and only you

My thoughts behind this prompt are around this pressure that seems to exist for anything and everything we create to have to be ‘saleable’ or ready to put ‘out there’ for the world to see. While it’s awesome if you want to share your amazing creations, I do feel there is value in reminding yourself what it is to create for creation’s sake. To do something for you because it makes you smile or you want to express yourself.

Apparently I needed to express myself.

Okay, so I’m technically going against the idea of this whole prompt by sharing this at all, but it’s only a peek at the cover to help show that I did that prompt. Hahaha.

I ended up writing a letter to my future stuff about some things that are currently happening. I’m not always the best at listening to that inner voice, and that inner voice jumped on the opportunity to get things out.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

Zine Review: watches too much, it’s just not healthy

watches too much, it’s just not healthy
Fire (?)

watches too much, it’s just not healthy is an A5 black and white zine featuring Fire’s ponderings on #100-#91 of their 100 favourite movies.

“The rest of the movie is great enough. A brain-melting, gleeful in ways I never knew possible, exhausting tale of how everything would be better if people found their trash side.”

I think I’d watch the movie based on that sentence alone.

watches too much, it’s just not healthy opens with a very brief introduction about the idea that started this zine before launching right into the movie features. Each movie is given its own full title page with details like the title, director, run time, and more all set against a full A5 picture from the movie itself. Following the title page, Fire then examines each movie in a mix of synopsis, critique, mental wanderings, some nostalgia…

I called these spread movie features rather than reviews because this zine certainly made me realise just how many movie analysis and review videos I watch/listen to online. Without realising it, I’ve become quite used to a certain general structure for these things – a structure Fire more or less doesn’t follow, preferring to textually wander as the spirit takes them.

Fire explores their favourite movies in different ways. Some start more traditionally with a short opener, synopsis, and then thoughts. Others mix in different facets like facts about the actors and/or directors, personal memories associated with the movie, etc. I have to admit that this did throw me a bit. I had to reread certain sections and take my time with others to really keep up. I was expecting a bit of that simply because there are so very many movies out there and there were bound to be references that I didn’t understand.

(For example: “Desperate Living: AKA Punk Story. AKA the one without Divine”)

Fire definitely writes like someone who is familiar with movies inside and out. They also express this aesthetically as well in the layout. There’s a fun element with small pictures of movie scenes running alongside the text like a film strip. It’s the little things like that that really make me smile.

As you may have guessed from the question marks in the top details, there aren’t any socials within the zine other than an email address, from which I decided on a name to use. There could always be a reason when people limit what they share, though, so it’s only ever really a mention rather than a nitpick.

While I do enjoy recommendations and will be watching some of these movies (I haven’t watched any mentioned and have only heard of one), I think I personally prefer a bit more expected structure to these kinds of recommendations. That said, I can appreciate a refreshing take on things for what it is, and some of Fire’s thoughts had me smile and pondering quite a bit. I’d also still check out the next in this zine series, if it exists.

ZineWriMo Day 12 – Zine Review Day

Hello, zine friends! Yes, your fluffy zine enthusiast and reviewer is cheekily slipping in a prompt for you to review a zine too…

Review a Zine

Okay, so it was also super cheeky of me to put zine review day on a day when I usually review a zine anyway, but what can I say? Double the jam for one scone. Haha.

I think there is a lot of value to be had in singing your love of a zine (or analysis or…) from the rooftops, but also there is value to be found in examine one’s own reactions to things. Asking why you liked something, why something had an impact on you, so on and so forth. It’s with that in mind that I included reviewing a zine as the prompt.

Coming soon…


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts

Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.