Zine Review: Five O’Clock in Tokyo 1

Five O’Clock in Tokyo 1
12 pages
Back cover by https://www.instagram.com/ogatatetsuo/

Five O’Clock in Tokyo 1 is an A5 size black and white, handwritten text perzine about the cycles of life.

Five O’Clock in Tokyo 1 opens with a note from Craig about wanting to make a zine like this for a long time – a zine about current life. From there we read a definition of season, the theme of the four part story to follow.

Craig writes about the parallels between the inevitable cycles of the seasons and the cycles in life. He writes about life experiences and coming back to them later with new perspective. Fatherhood plays a strong part in these contemplations – both Craig’s father and father-in-law as well as being a father.

We also get a bonus zine review and an introduction to two places where Craig likes to buy books.

An A5 zine with big, clear handwriting and contemplating life? Talk about a zine I’m totally into. Craig’s writing style is contemplative with a flow that keeps things moving forward – utterly appropriate with the themes being written about.

I enjoyed this zine a lot. I felt like it was the tip of an iceberg in Craig’s perzine writing. I look forward to the next one.

Zine Review: Snow World Acts 1 & 2

Snow World Acts 1 & 2
Micah Liesenfeld
40 pages each

Snow World Acts 1 & 2 are about 5.5cm x 5.5cm black and white comics about exploring a new world… and then efforts to escape.

Comics featuring snow worlds are definitely welcome as I’m sitting here trying to beat the heat of the day with the fan blowing on my face.

Snow World Act 1 opens wordlessly with our space explorer moving along through the vastness of space to find the snow world. From there we follow the explorer as they wander the world and are pulled into a whole different world. This is where Act 2 starts, and the explorer discovers they are not alone, but togetherness might not quite be what they are looking for.

Holding these tiny comics, I am definitely getting some serious Mini Zine March vibes. They are small! Not only that; each page features four comic panels. That being said, I would have expected a bit less detail for some of the panels. Some are very simple panels, but others still have a lot going on. Micah doesn’t let the size deter them whatsoever in telling the story they want to tell.

Speaking of the story, it’s fairly easy to interpret, but I did find myself taking a few different possibilities from it. (Not so much the ending but building up to the climax.) This isn’t a bad thing, though. I’m a writer and enjoyed the whole imagining process.

I think these zines are cute, and I tip my had to Micah for not only putting so much onto each tiny page but also to telling a story without a single word. They made for quick reading (viewing?) but enjoyable nonetheless. I hope there are more to enjoy.

Happy Mail Monday – Sloth Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqI53kVZ9Lg&w=425&h=315]

Welcome back to Happy Mail Monday. This week we are keeping it comfy and embracing the inner sloth. We have awesome, sweet, and fun mail from Australia, Canada, the US, and Ireland!

Thank you so much for watching.

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Teddy Zines – teddyzines outlook.com

*Izalixe Straightheart – https://www.instagram.com/izalixe/
*Izalixe on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/izalixe

*True Zine Marin – n/a
**Isolation Resurrect #1 Review – https://seagreenzines.com/2020/12/04/zine-review-isolation-resurrect/

*Emma – https://puddlesidemusings.wordpress.com


*Graveyard Keeper – https://store.steampowered.com/app/599140/Graveyard_Keeper/
*Boyfriend Dungeon – https://store.steampowered.com/app/674930/Boyfriend_Dungeon/
*Dorfromantik – https://store.steampowered.com/app/1455840/Dorfromantik/
*A Monster’s Expedition – https://store.steampowered.com/app/1052990/A_Monsters_Expedition/
*Unpacking – https://store.steampowered.com/app/1135690/Unpacking/
*Haven – https://store.steampowered.com/app/983970/Haven/

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

Call for Submissions: Zine of the Hill 3

Description from https://tinyurl.com/zineofthehill3

Howdy! Thanks for your interest in submitting something to Zine of the Hill 3. For this issue, I am curating an all-queer “cast” of contributors. Like the second issue of Zine of the Hill, I would like to focus on how the show makes you feel, but this time with more queer subtext. Anyone who loves King of the Hill and falls somewhere under the LGBTQQIP2SAA umbrella may contribute. I am looking for both written pieces and visual art (but at this time, mostly written pieces! Creative non-fiction! Fiction! Poetry! Etc.!) Please keep things “PG-13.”

All accepted contributors will receive two copies of the zine. Unfortunately, at this time I cannot pay for submissions. After the zine is completed, I will be reaching out to get accepted contributors’ addresses to send copies of the zine. If you’d prefer a digital copy, please let me know at that time.

The deadline for this call for submissions is 1/23/22.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out – longarmstapler (@) gmail . com

Thanks, y’all!

xoxo Maira

Zine Review: Manifest (zine) #1

Manifest (zine) #1
Jennifer Payne
1 Page Folded

Manifest (zine) #1 is a full colour 1-page-folded mini-zine that explores the theme of divine intervention in the forms of poetry, collage, and art.

This is the kind of paper that makes me want to pet zines.

Manifest (zine) #1 opens to a note set on a background of yellowed pages of (I believe) a book written in latin. The note asks the reader to contemplate the forces that inspire or otherwise cause is to move in our lives. From there the reader opens the zine once more to reveal side-by-side poems about change. Finally, we open to the middle spread: a combination of art, collage, and more poetry exploring self and change.

I have mentioned many times how poetry is something I don’t often connect with for a few reasons. That said, the poetry in this zine is more in the form of prose-like poetry, which made the imagery and messages easier for me to follow and understand.

The design of this zine is lovely. The paper is so nice and smooth, and the colour printing goes all the way to the edge. I love watercolours and clocks as a visual theme, so I felt drawn in before I read a single word. The layout with each unfolding revealing its own spread was a nice, fun touch too. (It’s not your standard ‘one page folded’ layout. You open this all the way up.)

I love contemplations of self and various forces in the universe, so this zine is definitely one for me. Combine it with Jennifer’s art style, and you have a much-enjoyed read for me.

This is such a fun, creative zine, and I’m so happy to have more in the series. I definitely recommend checking it out.

Physical Zines Back on Etsy!


The holiday break is officially over, and I am happy to announce that you can now get physical as well as digital zines on the Sea Green Zines Etsy shop.

But, as we all know, Etsy shipping isn’t weight-based and is thus a nightmare. So if you’d like the best price for shipping multiple zines, please feel free to get in touch!