Zine Review: Inside the Cavern of Your Mind

Inside the Cavern of Your Mind
TQ Walton / Purple Bat Press
1 page mini-fold

Inside the Cavern of Your Mind is a full-colour, one-page-folded mini-zine about exploring inner mental spaces.

Funnily enough, just as I finished reading this zine and started writing this review, a friend decided to have a philosophical debate. So a mental examination was well timed.

Exploring inner mental spaces sounds like a massive topic, and many things have been written on it. Inside the Cavern of Your Mind, however, is a lighter but just as important exploration. With relatively few words and simple but colourful pages, TQ both ponders with and encourages the reader.

Inside the Cavern of Your Mind is a short read but one that I have read over many times. I quite enjoy the positive feelings and recommend checking it out.