Call for Submissions: Pegged Zine Issue 2

Be sure to check out Pegged Zine Instagram to keep up to date with all submission announcements.

Submission guidelines reminder:

*Submissions window opens 17th of December and has no set closing date. Keep an eye on social media for this;
*Full colour is fine;
*We will resize and reframe images and texts to fit in with the collaged presentation of the zine, see your copy of Pegged 1# for examples;
*Keep word counts humble, remember we are going for an A5 zine and we want the text size to be not too small for the sake of accessibility;
*Please let us know how you want to be credited, if at all. Otherwise you will become ANON;
*All proceeds from the zines will go to the next print. All contributors will get posted one free copy, with postage covered by the sales;
*Zines will also go to public archives and zine libraries.

*anything not covered or weird, we’ll be in touch x