Happy International Zine Month 2023! And So It Begins…

Hello, hello, and hello once more zine friends! Welcome to July, and welcome to International Zine Month 2023.

I had a lot of fun doing my warm up for IZM videos, so thank you once more to True Zine Marin for suggesting making something for the lead up to IZM.

This year we don’t have a refresh on the prompts list from Alex Wrekk. However, Zineville has kindly stepped up to the plate and created this very pretty list:

At this point in time, I’m not sure where to get a purely text version of this list or a bigger version, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for that.

If Zineville happens to see this post, thank you very much for taking on that task and making the list and doing an additional version of it with colours that I just so happen to love. Haha.

Coming in with some IZM goodness – and bringing ChatGPT to the party as well – is Rich of Feral Publication.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3hSCvJY5og&w=560&h=315]

Hadass the Badass is coming in strong this year with an awesome list of her own! You can check it out – including goals for the month – at the link just there. I think it’s awesome creating your own prompts list to suit your wants and needs for the month.

As for me…

I’ve decided to go with a little bit of everything because I don’t like deciding on anything. Haha. Joking! Sort of.

Hadass really inspired me to think about what I wanted to accomplish and could accomplish this month. My health has been – knock on wood – reasonably stable lately, but I don’t want to count on anything. So I have decided to set some goals for the month and then dip my toes in with prompts when I’m able to throughout the month. That said, I haven’t gone too light on myself (at least, I don’t think so) with my goals. So here we go:

*Make the next 24 Hour Zine Thing
*Make at least one other zine
*Start (finish if I can) two zines that have been on my ideas list for ages:
– For the Love of Washi
– 36 Life Lessons

*Post zine reviews (at least) every Thursday and Friday
*Get Nyx Reads rolling again

*Submit to at least two collab zines

I really don’t know if I’m aiming too high for all of this, but I always was a bit of a dreamer. So what do you think? What are you doing for IZM? If you’re participating, please feel free to let me know.

Until next time…

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