51 Ideas for Your Next Zine

So Many Zines

I am someone who always has a list of ideas running, so I tend to forget that other people sometimes don’t know what they want to write about. As your resident zine enthusiast, I think it’s my duty to be as helpful as possible in your journey to making a zine. So here are…

51 Ideas for Your First/Next Zine

In no particular order…

  1. Your life! Yep, start a perzine
  2. Mental health/mental illness
  3. A physical condition/illness
  4. Politcal zine
  5. A holiday, road trip, etc
  6. Moving house/self/etc
  7. Your favourite animal, species, pet
  8. Zine reviews
  9. A zine about zines – the lovely ‘zine zine’
  10. Your spiritual and/or religious views
  11. A television show
  12. A movie, series of movies, or genre of movies
  13. A book, series of books, or genre of books
  14. Book reviews
  15. Poetry zine
  16. A sport, sports person, or team
  17. A fiction zine with a single story or a collection of stories
  18. Photography zine
  19. A game, series of games, specific games platform, genre of games
  20. A band, musician, or genre of music
  21. Comic! Illustrate your life, a fictional story, anything
  22. A colouring zine
  23. Sex, sexuality, views about sex-related topics
  24. Your heritage/background
  25. Your hobby
  26. Your collection
  27. A ‘how to’ guide
  28. A ‘how to’ guide for something that isn’t real/hasn’t occurred/been needed yet (like ‘how to actually taste a rainbow’)
  29. A social issue you feel strongly about
  30. Nature, gardening, or other outdoor-focus
  31. Interview someone, a group of people, or several people individually
  32. DIY zine
  33. Something silly
  34. A spotlight on your hometown
  35. Lists!
  36. A lifestyle choice you have made or want to make
  37. Mail
  38. 24-hour zine thing (whatever it is, make it in 24 hours or less)
  39. Art zine
  40. Split zine (you do one half/part and someone/other people do the other)
  41. Single topic, multiple perspectives
  42. Parenting/raising children
  43. Your craft
  44. A collection of recipes
  45. Experiments in cooking
  46. Relationships
  47. Current events
  48. A zine centred around a specific event
  49. Fashion
  50. Secrets
  51. Randomness all shoved into one zine

Want more ideas? Check out 51 (More) Ideas for Your Next Zine

13 Replies to “51 Ideas for Your Next Zine”

  1. I’m starting out in zines a little later than most – I’m 50+. I’m currently working on a perzine about my relationship with food & another about moving from the city to the country. I’m a Native New Yorker who moved from the heart of Manhattan to the Cape Cod country-side in 2013 – and I don’t drive. Fortunately my husband and I are sharing a home with our daughter and son-in-law who both drive and have cars. I’m looking forward to sending copies to you when they are completed. Sending good vibes your way.

    1. Hello Frances! I am so excited to hear that. One thing I really love about zines is how you can find so many different perspectives – and it sounds like you have and will have plenty of stories to share about all sorts of things! I look forward to seeing your zines, and I hope you love making them so much that you can’t help but keep making. Good vibes right back to you from Australia!

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