ZineWriMo Day 6 – Friday Night Highlights

Hello, and happy Friday, zine friends! At least, I hope it’s a happy Friday. It’s been a heck of a day here in the zine cave with friends struggling and the next round of techmageddon appearing to be happening in the zine cave. That’s why I’m afraid today’s prompt response from me is a little… boring.

Friday Night Highlights – Show off your work in progress

Yes, this is my work in progress. After, not even joking, picking up one piece of fixed tech that had broken, I came home to this from my new printer. The printer that replaced the other printer that techmageddon ate.

Oh boy.

Not all is lost. There are plenty of things to try to fix this one up. But it’s Friday. I have a zine review and then a date with some fresh air.

Please tell me you’re having a good Friday…


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.