Zine Review: Do It Yourself Care 3 – Self-Care During Christmas

Do It Yourself Care 3 – Self-Care During Christmas
Nina Echozina

Do It Yourself Care 3 – Self-Care During Christmas is a full-colour A7 size zine about taking care of yourself during the holidays.

Okay, so it’s not Christmastime, but I think it’s useful for pretty much any group social occasion…

In this third issue in the series, Nina reminds the reader that their feelings are valid – especially during the holidays, which can be a provoking time for a number of reasons. Nina continues to give everything I could want and more in a self-care zine. We read about why the holidays can be hard, ideas for making a horrible family gathering less horrible, and more.

The fun inside bonuses when you unfold the zine even makes the zine itself a way to entertain yourself at the aforementioned horrible family gathering.

Do It Yourself Care 3 – Self-Care During Christmas has bit of a Christmas focus, but I love that so much of it can be applied to other holidays and/or family gatherings.

Definitely pick up this and the first two in the series as well.