It’s time for a zine swap!
Rebekka is looking for people to people to join in on an international zine swap. Meet new zine friends from around the world by joining.
Questions? Contact: galaxyart@pasteo.de
It’s time for a zine swap!
Rebekka is looking for people to people to join in on an international zine swap. Meet new zine friends from around the world by joining.
Questions? Contact: galaxyart@pasteo.de
Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,
A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.
Find it here:
Hello, hello, and welcome to another Happy Mail Monday where I don’t have gin and tonic, but I do have some lovely zine mail to share with you today! Check out the goodness.
My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia
*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Awesome People:
*Anna – 6:20
*Kali Mythical Type – 24:58
Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:
*Kendy P – https://linktr.ee/Missmuffcake
*Dayna CatMothCrow – https://catmothcrow.com/
*Ryan Pocket Thoughts – https://www.instagram.com/_my_name_is_ryan_/
*ZineWriMo – https://seagreenzines.com/zinewrimo-2/
*Prompts list – https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/str0t59vev01s2es3t77c/ZineWriMo-2024.jpg?rlkey=fbokhw36307e42pdj4zzqjrpx&st=1u5cge6c&dl=0
You Can Find Me At:
Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co
Queer Zest Zine Fest
Event Date: November 9-17, 2024
Event Location: Online
Spotlighting the work of diverse queer creators from around the world. Featuring virtual tablers, presentations, workshops, and meetups on zines, queer issues, and DIY culture!
This November, around the world, LGBTQ+ zine makers and fans will gather at
the Queer Zest Zine Fest — a two-day all-virtual zine fest accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This will allow folks around the world to meet and exchange ideas where physical limitations would restrict access to these spaces.
It will be a place where queer zine makers and queer zine fans can gather to celebrate zines, queer community, and share stories.
The Queer Zest Zine Fest organizers are a coalition of like-minded queer zinesters with a host of event planning experience under their belts. The organizer team met online in queer zine scenes and decided to join together to make this event a reality!
The fest will highlight the work of diverse queer creators from around the world.
It’s time for a zine swap!
Rebekka is looking for people to people to join in on an international zine swap. Meet new zine friends from around the world by joining.
Questions? Contact: galaxyart@pasteo.de
ZineWriMo is coming! The approach of November means the the approach of Zine Writing Month.
What’s ZineWriMo then?
If you’re not familiar, ZineWriMo is the zine alternative to NaNoWriMo created by Jasper (I no longer have any social links for them) a few years ago. I am another happy participant who decided to dive right in and create a prompts list for the occasion. I try to focus on a list that gives a bit of challenge but isn’t too stressful.
In Jasper’s words:
“ZineWriMo is a new idea that came to me in wanting to combine the original NaNoWriMo and zines!
ZineWriMo is November! We focus on making one, or many, zines in November! Our only goal is to create zines, no word count requirement!“
Dive in, join up, and let’s get ready to zine!
Feel free to grab a copy here:
Or email me at seagreenzines@gmail.com if you’d like me to send you the list in PDF or larger .JPG form.
Hello and welcome to a beautiful springtime (here in Australia) edition of Happy Mail Monday. Today we have beautiful zines from Ed Tillman and the Ex-Zine Editor! Plenty of hearts included.
My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia
*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Awesome People:
*Ed Tillman – 4:50
*Notebook Giveaway: https://edtillman.net/projects/projects.html
*Ex-Zine Editor – 21:53
*Review – https://seagreenzines.com/2023/12/01/zine-review-confessions-of-an-ex-zine-editor-1/
Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:
*Billy – https://iknowbilly.com
*Spurious Correlations – https://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
*ZineWriMo – https://seagreenzines.com/zinewrimo-2/
You Can Find Me At:
Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co
Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,
A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.
Find it here:
Queer Zest Zine Fest
Event Date: November 9-17, 2024
Event Location: Online
Spotlighting the work of diverse queer creators from around the world. Featuring virtual tablers, presentations, workshops, and meetups on zines, queer issues, and DIY culture!
This November, around the world, LGBTQ+ zine makers and fans will gather at
the Queer Zest Zine Fest — a two-day all-virtual zine fest accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This will allow folks around the world to meet and exchange ideas where physical limitations would restrict access to these spaces.
It will be a place where queer zine makers and queer zine fans can gather to celebrate zines, queer community, and share stories.
The Queer Zest Zine Fest organizers are a coalition of like-minded queer zinesters with a host of event planning experience under their belts. The organizer team met online in queer zine scenes and decided to join together to make this event a reality!
The fest will highlight the work of diverse queer creators from around the world.
Saturday 12th October, 11am – 4pm at MOD.
MOD. North Tce, Kaurna (Adelaide)
Zina Warrior Print Fest returns!
Do you like zines? Do you make zines? Do you want to know what zines are? Then come along to Zina Warrior Print Fest!
What: A zine fair! A small gathering where local creators can buy, swap and sell their zines (a zine is a self-published work, usually in the form of a booklet and with a limited circulation)
Who: YOU! Swing past and pick yourself up some sweet zines.
Cost: This event is free to attend! But bring some cash in case you feel like purchasing a zine or two or pick up one of our free zines available.
Looking to apply for a table? Unfortunately, we have reached our maximum number of stall holders. If you would like to be put on a waiting list, please email:
Team Zina xx