Postage Cost Headaches

Hello, zine friends. I hope the start of this week finds you well.

Alas, I have no mail to share, but as I always say, you need to send mail to receive it, and I haven’t been sending much recently. That may be more common in the future, though.

The day started off on an upsetting note. I went into the post office to find that Australia Post had raised their prices. Again.

I won’t get into the numbers of it because they are boring, and I’ll get annoyed all over again. I’m so tired of so many things – small in the grand scheme of it all – being prohibited by the love of profit.

I started making PDFs to give postage prices the finger, but now I think I need to figure out something more. Get the most out of the postage.

I just don’t know what yet. All I know is that I don’t think many people will want to pay $9 AUD shipping on top of a $4 AUD zine. (Some of my zines are less, but most weigh 56 grams – 90 grams.)

I do hate to leave things on a negative note, though – especially at the beginning of the week. So I leave you with the promise to do my absolute best to figure out something. I won’t have Australia Post stopping me from doing what I love.

2 Replies to “Postage Cost Headaches”

  1. Ah, I know all too well the pains of increasing postage prices, it’s like they don’t actually want us to send anything!

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