Call for Submissions: Dead Time Story Zine

Do you commute?
Travel for a long distance relationship?
Do road trips? Or rail trips?
Travel for business?

Dead Time Stories Zine

Send us your stories, tell us about people you’ve met, friends you have made. Send us the things you’ve written on your journeys – diaries, poems, short stories.
Send us photographs you have taken on your journeys, or the sketches you have sketched.
Tell us about the things you have found. Or decisions you have made. Or tell us about that great mixtape you made for that journey one time…
closes Monday 20 June 2016.

Zine Review: LP Style

LP Style Zine

LP Style

Okay, I’ll just get this out first: Fashion or style is not my thing. I don’t understand it. I don’t get the ‘rules’. I can’t afford the things I’m supposed to like, and I don’t like much of the stuff I can afford. (Seriously, why do people think fat women just loooove enormous floral prints. FFS.) But if there was someone who could get me to acknowledge fashion like your socially awkward friend barely acknowledges someone you introduce them to, then it’s LogPost.

Now, that out of the way, on to the review!

LP Style was either a trade or an Etsy purchase (I really need to write these things down) from LogPoes. It’s a 24 Hour Zine Thing that turned into something more. (I’m assuming. There’s an implication that it became something other than a 24 Hour Zine Thing but no statement as such.) See those little hearts on the cover? Those are actually cut out hearts that have been stuck on. I’m not sure exactly why, but something about that makes me laugh.

Before you get to thinking what you might be thinking, it’s okay. Rather than some ‘this is the way it is’ sort of zine, it’s actually almost a memoir through clothes. That might be pushing it a little, but I don’t really think so.

This zine includes childhood photos as well as memories from the beginning when her mom was making most of her clothes. She talks about going through times when she tried to conform even though it was quite obvious she knew what she liked and what she didn’t like. She then goes into her actual style with sections for cardigans, shoes, etc, but she still includes memories.

I did have to laugh (again) in the Hoodies section.

Once, my mother asked me: “How many hoodies DO you own?!”

Hahaha. It’s lovely that two people who live in dramatically different parts of the world can face the same question from their mothers.

Plus, I have a soft spot already for people who choose to express themselves through tattoos.

All up, I have to say that I was surprised with this zine. And that’s my own fault for making assumptions based on the title. Yes, it’s about LP’s style, but it’s also about her life. A style perzine. Who’d have thought?

Zine Review: Mild Scribbling #6

Mild Scribblings 6 Zine

Mild Scribbling #6
Rebecca Sheedy

I reviewed Mild Scribblings #5 a while ago and found myself craving something similar to get back into the swing of reviewing zines again. Lo and behold, I was trying to organise my ‘to be read’ zine pile, and I found I had Mild Scribblings #6.

It’s all coming up Nyx.

The fact that this zine series is called Mild Scribblings seems oh, so appropriate when I look through at the lovely art inside. There’s something literally calming about it for me. It reminds me of when I was a kid and things got so overwhelming at times that I just sat down with a book and lost myself in the illustrations for a while.

Rebecca continues to make everyday life into art in a way I find engaging as well as relaxing. I absolutely adore her small but detailed art, the fact that the zine is full-colour, and her tiny, tiny handwriting. (Seriously, do you write that small? Either way, love.)

The new names for Cadbury Roses chocolates is definitely my favourite. Or maybe the product ideas… Or both.

Check out Rebecca’s Tumblr! You, too, can check out this interesting, colourful art. If you like what you see there, then definitely pick up this zine, because you will love it, too.

PS. I have to say that I absolutely adore the idea of the ‘beverage segmentation’ glass. Except maybe segmented vertically like a peace sign so you could have three sections and three straws!

PPS. My cat has a glow in the dark collar. It is a thing! 😀 Seeing a glowing thing silently making its way across the floor in the middle of the night is super creepy.

Epic Happy Mail


Woo! I am using awesome happy mail as an excuse to try the WordPress app on my phone.

Davida of Xerography Debt fame saw my review of Xerography Debt #34 and offered to trade for some zine goodness, and it arrived today. I am so happy. There is so much Xerography Debt going on here, but there is also Meta Zine, which is a zine about zines.

*swimming in zine awesomeness*

There is also even more here. Talk about motivation to keep getting back to normal here on the blog. Woo!

Little Steps & Happy Mail

I’m baaaaaack.

Cautiously and still in need of many naps, I am declaring myself ‘back’. Various tests revealed a need for this little one:

Little Purple People Eater

His full name is “Little Purple People Eater”, but I call him “Lemmy” for short.

I was diagnosed with asthma as a baby, but I’m finally getting the hang of things now thanks to a combination of public health and no longer being under the care of people who couldn’t give a singular shit about my health.

Do I sound like I’m still angry about being denied medical care growing up because I’m definitely still angry about being denied medical care growing up…

I got out of the house for non-doctor reasons for the first time in ages today, and I had a lovely little reward waiting for me.

International Happy Mail

Mail! And with a letter! With a letter sharing thoughts on Don’t Call Me Cupcake!

Big fuzzy love hearts for mail.

I do apologise for the long quiet here. I know that it was hardly my choice in the matter, but I’m still sorry nonetheless.

What a… Month?!

I have learned two important things over these past weeks:

1. Moving away from Bendigo is more important than I realised.
2. I have not given asthma nearly the kind of respect it deserves.

I was looking at the calendar and realised that this whole ‘being sick’ thing has been going on way too long. ‘Getting up to a month’ way too long.

say what again

Yesterday was the first day in weeks that I managed to stay out of bed all day, so things are definitely looking up. (The fact that I already haven’t managed that today notwithstanding.) I’ve installed InDesign on my laptop so I can still do things even if I can’t sit at the computer.

It irritates me to no end that I was really going well and picking up speed with things here, and then I go all Sleeping Beauty on the whole thing. If Sleeping Beauty had asthma and occasionally woke up to expel all kinds of colours from her lungs. She’d blame the fairies, though, because the stuff would be going pink to blue, blue to pink. All that fairy dust from when they were fighting about the colour of the dress…


I’m not honestly sure what this post is about.

Crossing fingers for back to normal sooner rather than later.

Call for Submissions: Not So Crazy

Not So Crazy

Looking for contributors to my up and coming zine “Not so crazy”

If you have had experience with mental health, or know someone who has and wish to share.

Accept all formats, writings, art, poems, illustrations, short stories, poems, photography.

Please send to JADEHUTCHINSON1@GMAIL.COM with the subject like “notsocrazy”

Submissions can be anonymous or credited, if you wish to be credited, please state how.

Deadline: 25 JUNE (For Issue ONE)

Apologies for the Delay

The antibiotic reinforcements were called in, my fever broke, and I managed to was my hair today.

It’s the little things.

I am genuinely sorry for the delay in zine reviews. I’m hoping to be right back to it tomorrow.

PS. This is why you have an ’emergency stash’ of posts. Hrmph.