Happy Mail – Near and Far Edition

Hello! I hope everyone has had a wonderful start to the week. Mind has been a ‘hit the ground running’ type with stacks of errands and appointments. But I am closing in on being fully caught up with my outgoing mail, and Asimov is ‘so far so good’ after the surgery. Next check up in a week.

Happy mail! It’s so lovely to open the post box and see something inside.


The first bit of happy mail (near) comes from Rebecca, who made the very cool Mild Scribblings 5 and 6. I am soooo happy to get my hands on more of Rebecca’s work.


The next bit of happy mail comes from Billy! Billy really treats me too nicely and doesn’t wait for me to sent things back. When he’s ready to send, he sends! And my life is all the nicer for it. So excited to dive into these.

That’s all for me today. The race continues on as work still needs to be done! To each and all – have a wonderful week!