Happy Mail: Nearly Forgotten Title Edition

Hello and happy Monday, zine friends!

I hope the start to your week has been good and has you feeling ready to take on the rest of the week. To be honest, mine hasn’t been all the spectacular, but Wanderer’s birthday is tomorrow, and there’s a lot to look forward to for celebrating his day.

And, of course, the day is bright when my post box is full of zines and goodies!

Lady Orchidia got in contact a recently to talk zines and about sending her zine The Fragments Zine all the way here to the land of Oz. I know the postage to Australia can be rough and really appreciate how much bigger that can make the decision to send a zine for review.

But I do so love a perzine, so I think we’re already off to a great start. I also love when zines sent to me for review arrive with a note. ^_^

Thank you very much to Lady Orchida for Fragments 5 – and the feedback on Don’t Call Me Cupcake 5!

Fishspit mail! I always know when it’s happy mail from Fishspit because his envelope collages are always spectacular. I mean, look at this:

That’s just the front of it. I love it.

Fishspit always sends interesting bits and bobs along as well, and I’m looking forward to reading the selection of zines he’s sent along.

Big hugs and big thanks, Fishspit!

Slowquest pack! I know I talk about a lot of things I adore, but I do especially adore the acts of generosity and trade that happen in the zine community. Bodie really went above and beyond in trading this cool padded envelope of awesomeness.

Even the address label is cool!

Piiiins! Awesome pins! This dungeon pin and…

…this wizard pin (both for sale in his shop, by the way) are happily pinned in with the rest of my pin collection. So cool!

Lillian Cuda! I’m not 100% sure on this, but I’m fairly sure this is the first Lillian Cuda zine I have now. Firsts! This lovely was sent my way from a friend who had a looksee at my zine wishlist.

Thank you to my friend, Carol, and to Lillian for the little extras!

That’s it for me today, zine friends. As always, there’s plenty to do but not enough time to do it. I may be back tomorrow, though I’m not sure with what at this point. Haha. Feel free to make suggestions.

I will definitely be back Wednesday because I’ll have a podcast to share with you…

Until then!

Zine Review: Eldritch Yourself

Eldritch Yourself
Meeni Levi

Eldritch Yourself is an A5 full colour zine of art and poems.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, poetry often flied right over my head. I’m afraid this zine is not an exception to that. But, for what it’s worth, here are my thoughts:

Despite the poetry being a little beyond my grasp, I did like Meeni’s use of ‘imagery’ words and phrases. Mirrors and falling into rabbit holes, for instance, are easy (for me) to imagine and gave me something to play with in my mind.

‘Eldritch’ means ‘weird and sinister or ghostly,’ which put an interesting spin onto the poetry and the zine itself. I can’t help but feel like the entirety of the zine is meant to make you feel uneasy (in a good, horror movie viewing kind of way). There’s the combination of bright colours and darker images conjured by the words. The cover art is a splatter with what could be argued is a ‘scribbling out’ using ink.

Even the use of the word ‘eldritch’ seemingly as a verb rather than an adjective throws things a little. (Or does that only inspire weird feelings in editor types?)

Thinking about all of that, it’s quite clear to me that this zine is as much a collection of art and poetry as it is a piece of art in and of itself.

Aesthetically, this zine is great with plenty of colours and thick enough paper so there isn’t bleed through or shadowing distracting from what’s on the next page. It’s a combination of mediums from handwriting on torn up pieces of paper for the table of contents to things written in what is either lipstick or rough crayon.

The binding is great with green thread woven in and out of the spine.

I liked looking through this zine and liked the strong image words, but I think, as a whole, it may have been a little lost on me. If you are poetry and/or art inclined, I think you’ll enjoy checking it out.

Zine Review: Ang Pangalawang Pagtatapat The Second Confessions

Ang Pangalawang Pagtatapat The Second Confessions
Siomai Charlene / notyourleo

Ang Pangalawang Pagtatapat The Second Confessions is a black and white A5 perzine about the creation of the first ‘Confesstions’, writing, finding your voice, and more.

Confessions wasn’t meant to have a sequel. Nor was it supposed to turn into a semi-perzine.

With a beginning like that, I’m immediately intrigued.

While reading this zine, I found myself comparing it a lot to water. First in the way that Charlene writes about the first Confessions in that it seemed to dictate its own path despite Charlene’s intentions.

From there, the writing flows easily around bends and over rocks from one topic to another. I started out being interested in the thoughts and feelings of a fellow zinemaker, to learning what life is like for Charlene as a Filipino in Canada, and on to feeling inspired when the topic shifted to their thoughts and feelings on the state of politics in the Philippines.

In carrying along with the water metaphor – there are times when you see a shiny gem and want to stop to examine it further, but you are still carried along anyway. I didn’t feel like I was missing out, but I did want to write a letter and ask about things like that time Charlene got suspended in school for starting an underground newspaper.

What started as writing about zines and self-expression wanders through many topics with ease, ending on a manifesto-like call to action for Filipinos. Beautiful.

Ang Pangalawang Pagtatapat The Second Confessions is an interesting, unique read that I think everyone from perzine enthusiasts to political zinesters to Filipino zinesers could enjoy.

Sharing is Caring: Help Print Q!C#5: Sadvertising!

Hello, zine friends!

I have a short and sweet note for you today in the form of a fellow zinester asking for help in printing their latest zine in time to launch it at Festival of the Photocopier.

Wolfram is the talent behind the cover for Paper Currency:

So if you have a moment, check out the YouCaring page for Queer Content’s ‘Sadvertising’.

This perzine is a collection of short stories, photos, and poems recounting my time in foster care, as well as… other personal stuff. It’s ready to print now! I just need financial help to get it printed and ready to launch at FotP18.

Last year I was doing it rough, but with your support I got myself down to Melbourne for Festival of the Photocopier. Thank you! This year I can afford my own flights and don’t mind scrimping on a few things to survive the trip. What I can’t afford, however, is getting my latest zine printed and ready to launch at this year’s festival.

A $350 goal helps me do just that, but I won’t ask for this without offering something in return.
– Donations over $10 will be offered a copy of Sadvertising, along with my eternal thanks.
– Donations over $50 will be offered a copy of every zine I’ve made to date (Q!C#1-5, NBP, and BadBirbs#1).

I plan to launch this zine at Sticky Institute during Festival of the Photocopier 2018, with copies being made available at the fair day for $10. We’ll also be hosting a visit to the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives’s zine collection, which holds independent publications from as far back as the 1980s. Please contact me if you’re interested in teaming up for a joint event.

Copies will then be made available to purchase for $10 from Sticky Institute and Junky Comics, and to read at State Library of Victoria (Melbourne), The Australian Cultural Library (Ipswich), Copy & Destroy Zine Library (Brisbane), and the soon-to-open Outer Space Zine Hub (Brisbane). Please contact me if you manage a public zine library and would like a copy for your collection.

The Zine Collector Podcast (And Video!)

Hello, zine friends!

Last week I announced my intentions to start a podcast, and this week, I finally made a little something! It’s a hello rather than a full episode, but I’ve already learned a few things to take into the first proper episode of the podcast.

I’ve been really nervous about the video side of things, but I decided to give it a go anyway. (I reserve the right to decide video isn’t for me later on, hahaha.) So here it is!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeV1sxXId28&w=560&h=315]

If you are looking forward to a podcast rather than videos, you can listen to it on The Zine Collector

(Sorry, I can’t seem to embed they’re audio player – yet.)

My head is still spinning a bit with the ‘am I really doing this?’ feelings, but this was a good little step into things. I am really excited to connect with people in a new way, though, as I’ve been enjoying podcasts and videos for ages.

So there we are! I’m going to work on getting the audio onto other platforms as well, so I’ll announce those as they pop up.

Thank you all for the encouragement you’ve given me and for soothing my doubts (which repeatedly rear up) through the whole process. Here’s to a good episode one to come soon!

Happy Mail Monday: Postcard Edition

Hello, zine friends! Happy Monday. 🙂

We’re really in it now, good ol 2018. We’ve already navigated a few ups and downs with turning resolutions into realities. Figuring out where the best 30 minutes is for writing and perhaps solidifying plans for future projects. (Future zines? 🙂 )

I am feeling anxious (as usual) but excited about things. Having a planner to keep me organised certainly helps on both counts. But you know what helps my anxieties and worries?

Happy Mail!

Oh, segues.

Postcards! Allysha Webber has been so generous in ‘inviting me along’ on her adventures in the US by sending me postcards. It’s fun seeing the world through postcards and doubly fun reading Allysha’s thoughts on where she is.

If you can’t travel, find friends who do. ^_^ Haha.

Many thanks to Allysha.

PS. If anyone has suggestions for how to store postcards in a way where I can see both front and back, let me know. I wish there were trading card-like pages but for postcards instead.

That’s me for today, friends. There is a lot happening in the background for big things to come soon – I promise!