Happy fourth of July, American zine friends!
Technically I’m still American as I still hold citizenship there, but I don’t really celebrate US holidays and haven’t for a long time. Let’s just say my Australian citizenship has taken over. Haha.
Welcome to day four of International Zine Month! Today is the day for exploring marginalised voices in America. Buy, share, and read zines about racial justice and zines written by American people of colour.
Today I’d like to share a zine I reviewed a while back called Queer Indigenous Girl by Se’mana Thompson. Queer Indigenous Girl is a full-colour perzine that covers topics like introductions, O’Otham culture, reading recommendations, and Se’mana’s experiences living with ADHD.
You can check out the review here.
I haven’t heard from/about Se’mana for a while, so I hope that they and their children are okay. If you know if they’re okay, I’d love to know.
Whose zines are you reading, buying, and/or sharing today? I would love to know.
Others Joining In:
* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/
Let me know if/where you are joining in!
PS. Zine reviews will resume next week!