What a week, what a week! And we’re only halfway through. Today was a lesson in sometimes you just have to do what you just have to do, so…
Work on your work in progress
Is that a repeat of yesterday? No, zine friends, it is, ZineWriMo Day eleven and. Work In Progress Wednesday. However, facing a fun but, alas, anxiety-provoking morning tomorrow meant my work in progress today was me. Specifically, keeping myself as calm as possible. Hahaha
I made a lot more swirls and started a new one as well.
I’m still truly enjoying this at an unexpected level, so I highly recommend having a go at trying some swirls, shapes, silliness, or anything really. You never know when you might find something soothing for yourself.
Other Participants:
*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts
Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.