ZineWriMo Day 11 – WIP Wednesday

What a week, what a week! And we’re only halfway through. Today was a lesson in sometimes you just have to do what you just have to do, so…

Work on your work in progress

Is that a repeat of yesterday? No, zine friends, it is, ZineWriMo Day eleven and. Work In Progress Wednesday. However, facing a fun but, alas, anxiety-provoking morning tomorrow meant my work in progress today was me. Specifically, keeping myself as calm as possible. Hahaha

I made a lot more swirls and started a new one as well.

I’m still truly enjoying this at an unexpected level, so I highly recommend having a go at trying some swirls, shapes, silliness, or anything really. You never know when you might find something soothing for yourself.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 10 – Doodle Warm Up

Hello, zine friends, and welcome back to another day of ZineWriMo. I’m dubbing this Thunderstorm Tuesday because there is an absolute gorgeous storm lighting up the night and relieving the heat of the day at the moment. So utterly gorgeous.

Warm Up – Oodles of Doodles

Today’s prompt turned out to be a pleasant surprise and unexpected method of relaxation after a busy day. I know many if not most of us don’t like the way we draw and judge ourselves harshly. So even the prospect of doodles might be a bit much. But doodles don’t have to be anything in particular – hence why I thought this would be a good prompt.

I’m a bit tired on all levels, so all that came into my mind to try doing was making some swirls. Swirls and curls turned into more swirls, and I found time beautifully drifting by just like my thoughts. It got late before I knew it and I nearly missed making something for dinner. Haha.

I don’t know… I just let ideas of perfection and everything else drift away in a rare time of calm. It was quite nice.

I hope you enjoyed today’s prompt as well. Did you draw specific things? Patterns, scribbles, flowers, anything and everything?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 9 – Sharing is Caring

Hello, zine friends. Welcome to a brand new, shiny week. (If your week starts on a Monday.) While I didn’t get to put up a Happy Mail video, I did get to do today’s ZineWriMo prompt…

Sharing is Caring – Show off your creative space

I’d like to make a full zine cave tour video when I have things more organised, but here is the main space in the room where I spend the majority of my time. I consider myself very lucky to have so much space to work, create, game. relax, so on and so forth. (I even got the desk super cheap secondhand! Thank you community buy/swap/sell pages.)

This also features a rare instance of my computer actually working. Hahaha.

Have you shared your creative space today? Where do you let your ideas run wild?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

Happy Mail Delay

Hello, zine friends. I’m very sorry, but I have to delay Happy Mail for this week. Techmageddon rages on, and my computer won’t stay on long enough to process the video.

I’m going to try to figure out… something.

ZineWriMo Day 8 – Refill the Well

Hello, dear and wonderful zine friends. Is it the end of the weekend already? Well, for some, anyway. I don’t really count weekends as such, as I’m doing something Sea Green Zine related every day of the week. I also tend to operate with my friends’ time zones in my head as well.

This turned into an unexpected ramble, but here we are. What’s on for the day?

Refill the Well – Read Zines

Read zines? Yes, please.

I am absolutely spoiled for choice when it comes to zine reading, and I love it completely. I hardly know where to start (save for the people who sent me zines specifically for review). Perzines, photo zines, movies zines… There are silver linings to life, and the plethora of zines is certainly a silver lining in mine.

How did you go today? Did you read zines? If yes, what zine(s) did you read? Do you refill your creative well in another way?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 7 – NaNoWriMo Zine

Hello and a sublime Saturday to you, zine friends. Today was a busy but beautiful here in this little patch of Oz. Today in the ZineWriMo list we have…

Make a ‘NaNoZine’ full of words in honour of National Novel Writing Month

The prompt is for a NaNoZine, but Hadass let me know that ‘nano’ also implies ‘very small’. While I love an itty bitty zine, today is actually a nod to NaNoWriMo aka National Novel Writing Month.

I thought about writing some fiction for this prompt, but I ran out of time and didn’t want to put anything partial (like a first chapter) into a zine. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised my real calling for this zine was a collection of quotes.

Quotes have taken an important part in my life in recent months as inspiration, comfort, and more as I’ve dealt with various things. What better idea for a word-filled zine than filling the zine with words that have brought so much to me?

I haven’t finished it yet, but I’ve enjoyed making a zine again a lot and am looking forward to finishing it.

Did you make a zine today?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

Zine Review: What’s it TEA you?

What’s it TEA you?
Shadree’s Den

What’s it TEA you? is a full colour, slightly smaller than A7 zine about tea.

Australia turned me into a tea drinker. Just putting that out there.

What’s it TEA you? launches right into the world of tea with an introduction to various tea types. White tea, yellow, tea, oolong, and more each have their own page. Each page features the tea type, a brief description, a white cup to show the contrasting tea colour, and a small picture of the tea itself.

I’m not at all knowledgeable when it comes to tea, so I found this easy-to-read zine quite helpful as a basics, 101 type of learning experience. I had no idea yellow tea was even a thing. I like that visuals were included as well, because I am definitely inclined to learn better when there’s some involved. While the descriptions are short, it actually helped me to finally get a grasp on why I like some kinds of teas and not others. (Oxidation is important!)

The addition of iced tea and bubble tea at the end made me smile. Trying out the latter is actually on my bucket list, so this served as a little reminder as well.

What’s it TEA you? is a fairly quick read that taught me a few things along the way. I quite like it, and I think it’d be a great little addition to a tea-themed gift or even as a stand alone to tea enthusiasts and tea newbs alike.

ZineWriMo Day 6 – Friday Night Highlights

Hello, and happy Friday, zine friends! At least, I hope it’s a happy Friday. It’s been a heck of a day here in the zine cave with friends struggling and the next round of techmageddon appearing to be happening in the zine cave. That’s why I’m afraid today’s prompt response from me is a little… boring.

Friday Night Highlights – Show off your work in progress

Yes, this is my work in progress. After, not even joking, picking up one piece of fixed tech that had broken, I came home to this from my new printer. The printer that replaced the other printer that techmageddon ate.

Oh boy.

Not all is lost. There are plenty of things to try to fix this one up. But it’s Friday. I have a zine review and then a date with some fresh air.

Please tell me you’re having a good Friday…


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

Zine Review: Survival Tips for Dark Times

Survival Tips for Dark Times: Things to Try When You’re Feeling Miserable
Liminal Spaces

Survival Tips for Dark Times is a black and white slightly smaller than A7 zine of encouragement and things to try when you are feeling down.

“You’re allowed to do whatever it takes to feel better.”

Survival Tips for Dark Times opens with an introduction to the zine including how the zinemaker finds it useful to have a premade list of ideas for things to do during dark times. From there, we go into a list of some of those things – but wait, there’s more! After this list, Liminal Spaces includes a blank (but for some art) spread for the reader to create a list of their own ideas. They then wrap up the zine with more encouraging words for the reader.

I love this zine. Self-care is something I really struggle with, so I always appreciate ideas and reminders in that area. I love that Liminal Spaces went those extra steps to give the reader not only extra encouragement but extra space to write down their ideas as well. It turns the zine into something that you might put down and reference later into something even more interactive.

From the fonts used to the detailed art primarily featuring nature, the design is absolutely lovely to. I feel like the art style and even the paper weight fit with a zine about times when we feel a bit delicate, amongst other words.

I definitely recommend this zine through and through. Grab a copy.