ZineWriMo Day 18 – Warm Up – Stream of Consciousness Writing

Hello and happy Thursday, zine friends. I don’t know about you, but I feel well and truly out of sorts. Today is Thursday? Thank goodness for calendars because I wouldn’t have been able to tell you what day it is. And thank goodness for the prompts list for today’s prompt.

Day 18 – Warm Up – Stream of Consciousness Writing – No thinking, just writing

I have a lot of feels happening at the moment, so the timing of this prompt ended up being so very good. There’s something about just writing my heart out that is somehow exhausting and yet so satisfying at the same time. For me, it’s pushing against the wall of ‘should’ – should be good writing, should be pretty writing, should stay positive, show not write anything negative – to get past it and to real, raw thoughts.

Even better, you can make a ritual of it. You can keep the writing, tear up the writing, burn the writing (my favourite), or a multitude of other things.

So give yourself plenty of time and space to write things out (but there is a time and place to stop if you go to dark places!) and explore your mind.


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

PS. Now I can’t get this song out of my head:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oieBnV_HFB0&w=425&h=315]

ZineWriMo Days 16 & 17 – Updates and WIP

Day 16 – The Halfway Update – Write/share about your progress and how things are going

Happy Wednesday everyone! I’m a little late to the halfway update, but I wouldn’t be Nyx if I wasn’t late to at least a little something every now and then.

As I mentioned yesterday, I had the time away, which threw off my schedule a little bit. But not in a bad way. I’m still pretty much organised with Dear Anonymous 9 and simply have to go about putting it together now, printing, sewing, and then sending it out to contributors as well as other friends too. I had originally set my goal as getting DA9 put together on the computer, but I think I’m going to push all the way to the send out. I don’t know if I can manage to do that financially and I hesitate to do so now that we’re into the holiday mail crush, so we will see. They might be going out early next year.

All planning, planning, but I do so love planning. I’m an admin kind of girl at heart. <3

Day 17 – Work in Progress Wednesday

Honestly? I didn’t do anything today. Haha. Okay, so I did a few things, including go to the doctor, but I didn’t do a heck of a lot and didn’t work on my WIP.

Sometimes I really hate having a weak immune system. Even good things and good stresses can make me sick. It’s all energy expended, it’s all stress on the body, so even the purest form of happiness can leave me in bed and recovering for days.

If you’ve ever wondered why I don’t get out more and don’t do more, it’s mostly the social anxiety but also this. A great night out with friends can leave me sick. This time, a somewhat impromptu trip away that was filled with the most wonderful things and absolute happiness now has me back home and on antibiotics.

That’s life though, and we can only try our best to navigate life’s waters. I am immensely grateful to be part of a community that, even if you don’t all quite understand what it’s like to have the immune system strength of a wet paper bag, you’re all still incredibly supportive of me doing whatever I need to do to be a healthy, happy human.

Onward and upward. Spread that sunshine!


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

ZineWriMo Catch Up Days 9 -15

Hello and warm greetings, zine friends!

I apologise for the sudden radio silence here on the blog. I needed some time away and intended to post that I was heading off, but I simply ran out of time. Not exactly ideal in ZineWriMo, but life happens as it will.

As there’s no happy mail to share with you today and it’s also the “Halfway – Your day, your way” point of ZineWriMo, I think today is the perfect day for some catching up!

Day 9 – Inspiration Station – Write/share about zines/makers that inspire you

I am always a big supporter of spreading sunshine, and a great way to do that is to let people know when they have a positive impact on your life.

I could list people all day for today’s prompt. There are so many zines and zinemakers that/who inspire me in so many different ways. Each person is bringing something new and unique into the world, which is one of the many beautiful things about zineverse.

Today I will list a few of the people who inspire me in so many different ways. Please check them all out!

*Feral Publication
*WarGlitter Zines
*Ryan of Pocket Thoughts
*Nina of Echo Publishing

Onto day 10! Continue reading “ZineWriMo Catch Up Days 9 -15”

Call for Submissions: Thoughts of You Fanzine

Call for submissions: Thoughts Of You fanzine is looking for anything related to Dennis Wilson (Beach Boys) & Christine McVie (Fleetwood Mac).

extra socials info : facebook: dwfanzine
twitter: dwfanzine instagram: thoughtsofdennis

Submission Info: denniswilsonzine.tumblr.com/post/611060264586149888/are-you-looking-for-submissions-for-a-second

(Image: Cutout photo of Dennis Wilson from The Beach Boys playing piano while Christine McVie (Fleetwood Mac) looks on, outlined in burnt gold. Text above & overlayed is in conte crayon/pencil style in black, gold or pink and with a hot pink outline).


Thoughts Of You – a Dennis Wilson fanzine. Contributions & comments welcome.

Issue 1 is out now: https://gumroad.com/l/DWZ1

I am fundraising for a homeless charity in memory of Dennis

Happy Mail Monday – Belgium Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up5xHScJ5gw&w=425&h=315]

Happy Mail Monday, zine friends. Today I have the pleasure of showing you some wonderful zine goodness from two amazing friends from Belgium.

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Antek – https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/pleasetakeonebooks
**Learn English with Mr Wood Review – https://seagreenzines.com/zine-review-learn-english-with-mr-wood/

*Nina Echozina – https://www.instagram.com/echozines/

*Hadass – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

*ZineWriMo – https://seagreenzines.com/zinewrimo-is-coming-2/


My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

ZineWriMo Day 8 – Organise Your Ideas – Create/show your zine ideas book

Hello and happy Monday, zine beans. Welcome back to another day of ZineWriMo. I feel so good having taken some time yesterday to relax and read some zines. Some time to myself is a surefire life and creative battery charger for me. On to a new week and a new prompt for the day.

Organise Your Ideas – Create/show your zine ideas book

As I have mentioned quite a few times at this point, I bullet journal and absolutely love the system. There are a few things, however, that I found myself moving from journal to journal. So, after about eight years of bullet journalling, I decided to finally make a ‘permanent/long term collections’ book.

It’s not a big, big book because I don’t store a lot of things in there. However, my zine ideas are now snuggled in all cosy-like along with things like book/movie/tv show recommendations and whatnot.

I’m super excited today (because I’m a big stationery nerd) to see how people are organising their zine ideas. Please feel free to tag me and/or link your posts in the comments.


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

ZineWriMo Day 7 – Refill the Well – Do something for your creative self

There’s something so lovely about a quiet Sunday you can spend refilling your creative well and generally being nice to yourself.

Today we have:

Refill the Well – Do something for your creative self

For me, today is all about relaxing with my collection of zines to read. I have so much to do, but down time is important, too. So I’m off to relax and read some zine goodness.

Have a beautiful Sunday everyone.


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

ZineWriMo Day 6 – Make a Zine – Stream of Creativity – Don’t think! Let loose with words, art, etc.

Hello, zine friends! I was so ready for a weekend, and mine is already flying by. But time flies when you are having fun, and I had fun with today’s ZineWriMo prompt.

Today we have:

Make a Zine – Stream of Creativity – Don’t think! Let loose with words, art, etc.

I have a particularly hard time shutting off my brain most of the time, so today was a hard push to get into. But when I relaxed, it was so nice.

For a while, all I wanted to do was doodle flowers, so I did! They’re weird kind of doodle flowers, but I like them and make them all over in my bullet journal as well. But as I made more and more flowers, I began thinking about spring, which we are currently enjoying in the land of Oz at the moment.

I then followed my urge to write, so I folded up the mini to hide the flowers inside and then went on to write about spring… in cursive! I don’t often write in cursive, but it felt nice to do so in this mini. I should use cursive more often. It’s fun.

I don’t think this is a zine that I will be making copies of, but I believe some of the art that we make should be made just for ourselves. For the pleasure of doing it.

I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone creates today – if you care you share of course!


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

Zine Review: Electron Libre 2

Electron Libre 2: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times
Izalixe Straightheart
28 pages

Electron Libre 2 is a black and white, US-sized half-fold perzine about life, weddings, communities, setting boundaries, sticking up for yourself, and much more.

Full disclosure: My zine ‘BUJO’ is reviewed in this zine.

Electron Libre 2 opens with a brief nod to the typewriter Persephone that, sadly, went berserk and needed to be rehomed. Iza then gives a not to the typewriter Phyllis and The Regional Assembly of Text who generously loaned Phyllis to Iza for the creation of this zine. (Thank you from Iza’s readers as well.)

From there we launch into the real introduction to the zine, which starts with taking a little poke at the tried and true ‘sorry I haven’t made a zine in so long’ before getting into the whirlwind of events that kept this zine from coming into being up until now. (‘Now’ being November 2020 when it came out.)

This introduction is a raw and open sharing of experiences Iza has had being with and then being married to someone with a mental illness. Good times, bad times… They are all there in Iza’s ‘this is my life, so take it or leave it’ kind of way that is also reflected in her YouTube videos. I had to admire Iza not only for sharing things that are clearly painful and complicated but also for sticking with the decisions she has made. Whether you agree with her or would make the same decisions, you have to respect a person who knows that they want in life and knows who they are and what they want in life.

From there, Iza writes about YouTube communities (yes, I remember video responses!) and the evolution of not only the site itself but her channel as well. With being ‘out there’ comes hate and trolls as well, which Iza has taken a healthy approach to dealing with. She also writes about zine fests, new habits, workout tips, reviews, and more.

As I mentioned, Iza reviewed my Bujo zine. That hasn’t influenced my review of this zine whatsoever, but I must say that it was quite lovely and made me smile. The review and the zine itself is refreshingly unapologetic. Iza loves, hurts, and has joy just like all of us, and her writing voice and style embrace all of it with no expectations from the reader.

Unlike with the first issue of Electron Libre (https://seagreenzines.com/zine-review-electron-libre-1/) there are no pieces written in French. While I fully support writing in any language you want to write in, it was nice not to have to break out Google translate before I could wrap up this review.

Electron Libre 2 is a great edition to a series I have come to really enjoy. Iza’s wandering ways are so different from the life I know that it’s all quite fascinating to me. I like the variety of topics in this zine as well as the fact she includes reviews.

I recommend checking out this and Iza’s other zines.