Call for Submissions: Thoughts Of You – A Dennis Wilson Fanzine


Theme: Anything inspired by the life, death and songs/music of Dennis Wilson, and/or his inspiration / contributions / role in The Beach Boys.

*Ongoing/no deadline.*

Looking for poems, fiction, humour, photos, art (illustration / collage /comics / memes, photoshops/edits /whatever) essays / articles / reviews, diary comics / graphic essays, memories / tributes &/or personal fan/fandom stories and tributes or anything else you can create.

Zine format will be colour & b/w pdf / A4 b/w print edition (+ pos a colour edition).
Planning to sell the finished zine grassroots homeless / anti-poverty charities.
Published contributers will recieve a free copy.
Long formal post w/ more info, (needs tweaking)

About the zine/blog / Basic idea

Interested in submitting or have any questions?
or dwzine (at) gmail (dot)com

Zine Review: It Will Be Okay


It Will Be Okay

It Will Be Okay is a mini-zine featuring quotes and drawings to give you a positive boost to your moment, your day… It’s definitely adorable, as you can imagine, but with a quote from Ice Cube tucked in there along with one piece of “adult language”, it’s not quite for the very young. (Unless you’re cool with that.)

I like that things are facing different directions (nothing is upside down, though), so you don’t just flip through this. That might not be another person’s thing, but something that gets me to interact more with a zine that I might otherwise quickly go through is a good thing.

Stickers and drawings definitely add to the fun vibe, but I think this added extra, something to physically ‘take away’ from the zine wraps it up perfectly:


That, my friends, is an itty bitty button/badge that you can take out of the zine and put anywhere you please. I absolutely adore it.

I hate to list any nitpick with a zine that is created with such positivity, but I do have to mention… While Missmuffcake does put a name down on the back, there aren’t any other sorts of contact details or a shop URL… But, a name like Missmuffcake makes the Google search a much easier one than searching by zine title, so it’s practically not a search at all. 

Even so, now you have the link above, and I have this lovely mini-zine (with button/badge!) to put in my forever collection.


Little side note: I’ve hit a point where people have started sending me zines specifically for review. Because of that, I’m creating and trying to maintain a queue so it’s all fair as far as timing goes. That being said, today’s zine, yes, skipped the queue. It’s been a hard week for so many reasons both personal and on larger scales, so I wanted to review a zine that had a message I really needed to hear today. I promise to keep deviations from the queue to a minimum.

Zine Review: Sketchbook 1


Sketchbook 1
Scheree Reeves

I’ve always admired people’s ability to draw well. When I was growing up, it seemed like such a magical talent to have. To see things like Sketchbook 1 where some drawings are ‘broken down’ into the individual strokes of linework makes is all the more fascinating…

Sketechbook 1 is just that – a sketchbook of sorts featuring all sorts of Scheree Reeve’s pieces at various stages of completion. There are ‘rougher’ (I say rougher, but they’re gorgeous by their own right) pieces as well as a full colour, completed centrefold. When it comes to what’s drawn, there’s a lovely variety: from humans to animals and creatures between.

Really, though, when it comes down to it, I think I would have enjoyed it just as much with less variety.

This zine is beautifully presented on heavier, glossier paper that suited the completed pieces very, very well. It was a little strange to see the ‘rougher’ sketches on such nice paper, but not to an extent that it took away from the enjoyment of it. For the overall zine, it was a good choice.

An even better choice? The fact that everything is in full colour. From lines to completed pieces, having full colour really breathed life into everything that I think black and white would have fallen short with.

This is the kind of zine that’s easy to flip through or dwell on depending on your mood. I can see myself going back to this and looking through it many more times simply for the pleasure of it.

Carry On Carrying On


Today is an emotional day for millions upon millions. To say the least.

It physically and emotionally hurts to see so many people who are angry, scared, downright terrified… I feel utterly inept at being able to say anything that could provide even the least little bit of comfort.

After waking up to my Paypal account hacked and my bank account (personal – not the one we pay the rent with, thank goodness) empty, I felt unable to even emotionally comfort myself, let alone those who felt the the entire world just took a dark path.

I debated with myself most of the day over what to do. After all, wouldn’t it be understandable just to take a day off, for crying out loud? Of course it would have.

Even so, I’ve come to the conclusion that sometimes all you can do is keep doing. Do what you need to do for self-care, and keep doing what you do whatever that may be.

Here, that means I’ll be putting up a Thursday zine review soon and carrying on with another Friday review tomorrow.

So why even post this up? Because I want you to know that if you’re hurting, if you’re scared… I hear you. I wish you weren’t hurting, and I wish there was something I could do about it. Above all, I hope that knowing my wishes can somehow give you some small comfort in all this.

Your Zine Is Awesome – Stop the Negative Self-Talk

Yep, your zine is awesome.

I know, I haven’t seen it, but I know it’s awesome. It’s not finished? That’s okay! You started, and that’s amazing. You haven’t started yet? That’s okay! You have a creative idea and/or urge. That in and of itself is wonderful.

Sticky Institute

I’ve said it plenty of times, and I’ll say it again: One of the beautiful things about zines is that they come in so many shapes and sizes, topics and types of materials, colours and cuts. The diversity is amazing, and I continue to be impressed by all the amazing things people think of and create.

Because of this, I feel sad when a creator calls their work ‘shit’ or says their zine isn’t very good. Especially when it’s in comparison to another zine.


Comparison in the zine world (and plenty of other things) is comparison that doesn’t need to happen – and definitely shouldn’t happen if you’re using it to be negative about what you create. Half-fold is no better or worse than a one-page mini. Stapling is no better or worse than sewing.

The only thing a zine needs to be true to is itself. Beer and Longing is gorgeous with its Japanese binding because it tied into the overall Japanese aesthetic and theme.

But that sort of binding, as beautiful as it is, would have been a bit strange on Instructions for surviving the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: In rhyming couplets because the beauty of that zine lies in its utterly appropriate simplicity.

And if absolutely nothing in your zine relates to the next bit because that’s the way you like it, that’s great, too.


I’m not here to be all fluffy lala about this. I struggle a lot with the concept that neither art nor human can be universally loved.

But I am here to tell you that whether someone likes your zine or not is a matter of opinion, not a matter of fact. Opinion is fluid and flexible – and heavily influenced by the world around us.


What I’m trying to say here is, in part, selfish. I have this strange affection for looking at the creations other people come up with. I want to know what people bring into the world when given the space and freedom to do so.

The last thing I ever want to see, hear, or read is anyone being negative about their own work, because negativity stops creativity. I don’t ever want to hear people talking about what they ‘should’ do with their work rather than what they want to do.

So Many Zines

Sure, who am I to say ‘I don’t want to see this’? No one other than a person who wants to see you create whatever you want to create regardless of what anyone else is creating.

Pursue your bliss.

Happy Mail! The Comic Edition

Suuuuch a beautiful happy mail day. I love spring. My favourite season in the States was always autumn, but spring in Oz has completely won me over. It’s love.

Anyway. Sneaky, sneaky timing from my post box with goodies arriving this morning in time to sneak into this week’s happy mail. If this keeps up, I’ll have to start making happy mail videos. <3


First off, a cheeky postcard from my friend Dodgy, who is still on holiday. I tried to give him some money a few weeks ago before he left so he could pick up some postcards and trinkets for me. He laughed and refused. By the look of this postcard, I’m not going to live the whole ‘check the exchange rate’ thing anytime soon…


Woo! I have been enjoying Olivia’s Tumblr and Instagram for a while now and have been saving up to grab a few zines from her shop.

A huge thank you to Olivia for the option of sending overseas. It always takes me a while to save up, but I have a list of zinesters I want to buy things from. I was all ready to go (pre-Asimov emergency procedure) and was disappointed to find a few zinesters I had listed didn’t actually have the option of sending to Australia.

Don’t get me wrong – I know there are reasons. But definitely don’t assume that no one overseas will ever buy from you. (And no worries, I know I can contact the shop owners and ask.)


My first enamel piiiiiin! And zines! So awesome. If you follow my Instagram, you may have already seen the little birdie on the pin. It’s a magpie to commemorate my first (and, crossing fingers, only) concussion. (Yeah, a bird gave me a concussion. Love Australia!) SoberBob was awesomely generous and sent along a couple zines as well for my enjoyment. Love!


Zine Ninja and I are in a comic! Squeeeee!

Okay, this one takes a little explaining (and a few links). ComicProv is the brainbaby of Lady Beaver and Steve Waldinger. When you rock up, Lady Beaver draws a one-page comic based on you and the things you love (pizza, comics, zines, unicorns, rainbows, whatever you like). The thing is that she leaves the speech bubbles empty and then passes the comic over to Steve.

Neither has a clue about what the other has in mind! How funny and awesome is that?

They often do their comicprov thing at zine fests and whatnot, but you don’t have to be at an event in person to get a comic. (Hi, I’m in Australia, if you hadn’t picked that up before.) All you need is a photo of you and a couple of favourite things you’d like listed. (I’m still pretty gobsmacked how they managed to work in not only the things I listed that I love but also a couple things I joked about.

Depending on when you read this post and if you’re reading it on the blog, you might just see my selfie taken with the comic.

Definitely get in contact if you’re interested. At $10 (at the time I’m posting this) for a one-page comic featuring YOU, it’s definitely a steal. (Plus shipping if you can’t see them in person.)

Also in with the happy mail were a few of Steve’s web comics. Hahaha. I think I may have found someone who is just as punny as Wanderer…

Happy mail, everyone! May your week be beautiful and your post box full of fun mail.

Done, Doing, Dreaming – Slowly But Surely


The sun is shining, everyone (humans and animals alike) is healthy or nearly 100% recovered, and the weather is beautiful. I feel like I can finally breathe. Metaphorically, anyway. It is spring, and the hayfever is strong in this one…


*I’ve been working on updating all the pages here on the blog and making things less confusing. Spring cleaning. Check out the new About & FAQ page to clarify anything or pose a question of your own.
*The Zine Review Index is also now up to date. (At least, until Thursday. Haha.)
*One last reminder to let you know that you can now listen to me read Don’t Call Me Cupcake 1: Introductions on Bandcamp for free! Click here to check it out as well as other zine creators reading their work. <3


*This is a bit of a strange one, so bear with me. I am working on not self-sabotaging. Any time I start feeling like something is going really well, I start to get nervous. Whereas I was fine doing something before, I suddenly become nervous and feel like I can’t do it. Brain freezes happen regularly, and my self-confidence tanks. It’s happened before, and I’m trying very hard not to let it happen here.
*I am still working on spring cleaning the blog, so if you have any ideas for anything you’d like to see/read, feel free to let me know.
*I am more lurking than working at the moment, but I am still loving the whole concept that is ZineWriMo.
*I’m already incredibly behind with NaNoWriMo, but there’s still plenty of time to catch up. I think. Maybe. If you’d like to be my writing buddy (and very possibly feel a lot better about your word count), you can find me here.
*I am working on editing the audio versions of Don’t Call Me Cupcake 2 and 3. They should come out later this year.
*I’m currently working on Don’t Call Me Cupcake 6, which is about spring in Australia, zine projects, Wanderer being in hospital, and other fun stuff.
*Another last reminder: if you hadn’t already heard, We Make Zines – the place for all things zine – is closing down at the end of this month due to a dramatic rise in cost. I’m not able to do much, but if you know about coding and site migration, be sure to stop by this thread and let Quasifesto know that you’re willing to help out.


*I’m actually dreaming of moving away from Etsy as a shop front, as it’s looking like Etsy is one of the more expensive places to run a shop front…
*I’m also dreaming of Festival of the Photocopier (Melbourne’s zine fest in February)! It slipped my mind when I thought I’d be moving out of Victoria before February 2017, but
*Which means I need to prioritise the button/badge maker. Squee!

I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week!

What is #ZineWriMo?


After an email came my way over the weekend asking about ZineWriMo, it occurred to me that I could have been a bit more explanatory when I mentioned ZineWriMo last week.

This post is here to provide a little more clarification.

First off: I don’t want this post to be seen as me taking any credit for #ZineWriMo. The entire idea belongs to Kat, and I am just another happy participant.

A happy, zine-obsessed participant who likes to shout about about everything I get excited about. Like ZineWriMo.

While ZineWriMo is a ziney NaNoWriMo alternative, it doesn’t have ‘one goal to rule them all’ like NaNo has. ZineWriMo is all about self-set goals and then getting in with the encouragement of the group to reach the goals you’ve set.

Personally, I’m looking to create Don’t Call Me Cupcake 6, make a few new call outs for collab zine projects I’d like to do (one done so far), and complete at least one more of the zines I have on my ‘zine ideas’ list.

Other people are looking to start/finish their very first zines while others are looking to create zine anthologies. There’s a wide variety of experience levels and projects in the group.

ZineWriMo has a Facebook group as well as a Twitter hashtag ‘group'(?) going.

I think that covers things a bit better than I did before. Please don’t hesitate to ask any other questions you have. Your best bet is probably Kat, though, as this whole thing is their idea.