Hello, wonderful zine friends! I hope the start to your week is or will be as peaceful as mine was (despite the early wake up from the dogs). Internet issues rage on, and it’s always so frustrating to see things not happen simply for lack of money, but this is life. I can get online, and I have wonderful mail to share.
Happiness abounds. 🙂

Postcards! These two lovelies were sent via SendSomething. (I highly recommend checking it out. It’s not exciting for the eyes, but it’s like a catalogue of thousands of people to send mail to!) The black and white one is actually a postcard for colouring (woo!), and the other simply arrived with quotes from Broadway musicals. Mysterious and fun.
If the people from Send Something happen to check out this blog, thank you for the fun postcards.

Zippity Zinedra is well and truly in the running for colourful mail art. Check out all those stickers! And the tape is fabulous. Xyendra sent the very last bit of mail to squeeze in at 786 before the mail redirection went through, and what a lovely whopper of a stuffed envelope!
The envie was like a zinester care package. A sticker, magnets (I don’t think I’ve seen zine-related magnets before), a Toronto Zine Library pin (my collection grows!), two zines I had to keep telling myself that I would read after the unpacking (hehe)… There was also this fun little pack of bandages…

Aren’t they utterly adorable? I’m so in love! They are so, so, so cute, and even the wrapper is cute as well!
What a lovely package of zine goodness that continues to make me smile whenever I think about it. Thank you so much, Xyendra!

True Zine Marin has sent me a wonderful little pack of mini-zines, stickers and other goodness. Looking at the picture, I’m just realising how much of the envelope I covered up. Sorry about that! I love the envelopes TZM sends things in. The Stolen Sharpie Revolution sticker has a special place in my heart, and I wish I had 100 of them to send all over the place. That little book is so good! I highly recommend it.
Tangent over, True Zine Marin has been kind enough to send me some duplicates from their zine collection, and I appreciate that so much. Thank you for the lovely ray of mail sunshine!

Bloomurder sent me a copy of her Twin Peaks fanzine! Oh my gosh. What an awesome housewarming present. (Yep, that’s what I’m calling it. Hehehe.) I was so disappointed to have missed the launch (they had doughnuts <3 ) at Sticky. I even asked about the printer for the zine because it looked gorgeous. Lo and behold, I have one to admire in my very own hands! I have special plans for it to…
Thank you so much, Bloomurder!

Sober Bob snuck in with a wonderful gift in my new post box – the next up (I am assuming – not 100% on order) in the Terrible Comics. Hehe. (You may recall my review of Cashed Up Bogans.) This title makes me laugh out loud because of the ‘yeah, but no’, ‘no, but yeah’, etc Australian language quirk.
Have no idea what I’m talking about? That’s okay. Just know the grins are large, and the sarcasm runs rampant. Many thanks to Sober Bob for generously sending me more Terrible Comics.
PS. Sober Bob has a sale on pins right now if you want to check them out…
What a beautiful mail week. Thank you again to everyone who has sent me mail – especially in recent times. This move has been much more soul-eating for a number of reasons that I have yet to digest, and I spent more than a few sessions simply sitting in my chair and going through the lovely things people have sent. I’m not sure what image I cast here, but I do have my very dark moments, and the generosity and kindness of people has helped me through a lot.
Here’s wishing you all the absolute best for the day and the week ahead. Until next time…