International Zine Month 2020 Day 4 – AmeriZine Day!

Happy 4th of July to the zine friends who are celebrating!

It’s still the 4th in some parts of the world, so this still counts as on time, right? Hehehe.

Welcome back to another beautiful day in the zineverse (well, I say beautiful but the rain…). So what do we have for today’s zine activity?

AmeriZine Day! Explore marginalized voices in the Americas. Buy, share, and read zines about racial justice and zines written by BIPOC (Black Indigenous and People of Color) from the Americas.

I’m going to second Alex’s recommendation on the Alex Wrekk Does Stuff and Things Facebook page and point you at Brown Recluse Zine Distro as a great place to start.

I’d also like to point you to my review of A Problem With Your Background by Feral Publication. It’s a zine that really got me fired up at the time and fires me up whenever I think about it.

If you have any recommendations, please feel free to leave them in the comments!


You can pop over here for the 2020 IZM list of daily activities by Alex Wrekk. (Pssst! Go here to download your own printable IZM 2020 poster!)

Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you’re joining in. I’ll keep a growing list on each post so we can all check out what each other are doing.

International Zine Month 2020 Day 3: Virtual Zine Events

Hello and happy Friday zine friends!

We’re already on day three of International Zine Month, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it will keep carrying along at this rapid pace! But you’re never too late to jump in and join the fun. You can pop over here for the 2020 IZM list of daily activities by Alex Wrekk. (Pssst! Go here to download your own printable IZM 2020 poster!)

Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you’re joining in. I’ll keep a growing list on each post so we can all check out what each other are doing.

Onto day three!

Day Three: Look up virtual zine events to attend this month!

The zine community is well and truly a versatile one! While it has definitely been sad and difficult to see so many in-person zine events need to be cancelled for the safety of everyone, a lot of people have picked things up and run with them in a new direction. The virtual direction!

Already this year there have been a number of virtual events and shows of the zine awesomeness variety as well as a few ‘zoom type’ group chat events for hanging out and getting creative. They’re popping up all over the place, but I’ve seen most on Facebook. I don’t know of any off the top of my head right now, but you can check out the resources page for a few places around the internet that may be holding virtual events or have connections to virtual events.

Of course, if you are holding a virtual zine event or know of one happening – please let me know! I’d love to help spread the word.

That’s me for today. Until next time, spread a little sunshine.

International Zine Month Day 2: Zine Rewind!

Hello, zine friends! Welcome back to day two of that wonderful month of the year featuring all kinds of zine goodness to enjoy. If you’d like to jump in, check out the 2020 IZM list of daily activities by Alex Wrekk. (Pssst! Go here to download your own printable IZM 2020 poster!)

Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you’re joining in. I’ll keep a growing list on each post so we can all check out what each other are doing.

Onto day two!

Day Two: Zine Rewind! Reread your favourite zines.

Every year I have trouble with this one because I don’t like picking favourites. Hahaha. I want to pet all the zines!

Because it’s Thursday, which is a review day, I’m going to be a bit cheeky and post two zine reviews from the past – one mini-zine that makes me smile and one perzine that really introduced me to a part of me that I didn’t realise had a name. So here we are…

Continue reading “International Zine Month Day 2: Zine Rewind!”

Happy International Zine Month 2020 Day 1! What’s a Zine?!

Hello, wonderful zine friends! It’s so lovely to be back once again for that lovely month of the year with a zine focus of all sorts of zine goodness happening in the universe. As I mentioned yesterday, the awesome and amazing Alex Wrekk has posted 2020’s list of daily activities!

(Pssst! Go here to download your own printable IZM 2020 poster!) For this fresh and lovely first day of the month we have…

Day One: What is a zine? Come up with a definition in your own words.

I’m going to be a little cheeky with this one, dear zine friends. I’m going to borrow my definition of what a zine is from my mini-zine on that very topic! It’s a very flexible definition, which gives me a giggle, but what are zines if not a myriad of things! So here we go:

A zine is a creation that is DIY, (often) self-published, (often) copied on a photocopier featuring any topic and/or art, and/or photography, and/or any number of combinations often made into some booklet type form.

Hahaha. That’s about as clear as soup and could include so many more things, that’s for sure. Trying to define zines as fun because I think anyone who really understands zines knows that we can try but we’ll never truly cover a full definition. And that’s absolutely okay.

That’s going to be it for me today, zine friends. I’ll be back tomorrow with the next activity!

***Note: I’m running behind as per usual but should have the full set of Instagram-friendly daily activity prompts ready by the weekend, if not before!***

International Zine Month – Days 27 – 31

Hello, hello, hello, zine friends. This blog post is brought to you by electrolytes, a lot of sleep, and a massive amount of TLC from the dear and amazing Wanderer. Truly, he’s been absolutely brilliant to the point of piling blankets on me when I felt very cold.

I’m very slowly getting back to normal. I’m one of the fun and exciting people who can get mono/glandular fever more than once if I push myself too much/overstress myself. Good times. This round has been mild but meant I’ve slept away most of the week thus far.

Enough of that, though! As you can imagine, the last part of IZM has been a bit of a bust. But no stress! Life happens, and sometimes we just have to dance to the tune.

Or sleep. Haha.

On to it!

On day 27 of this fabulous month, the prompt is to host or attend a zine event. That was definitely off the books this past weekend (honestly, I lost track of the days a bit), not only for health reasons but location.

You can always check out the Zine World Calendar to see if there are any events happening near you and/or to make sure your event is listed.

Day 28 is the day for listing our favourite zines. I decline on the grounds that I love all the zines. Hehehe.

On this fine day of IZM, the prompt is to take a picture of yourself with your zine collection. I’ll meet you halfway with a picture of some of my zines…

On the 30th day of IZM, the prompt is to write or make a wrap-up of International Zine Month. I’m actually going to save this prompt for tomorrow because I have a few things to write about that don’t quite fit in here.

This, the final day of IZM, we take a moment to remember the zines and zinesters no longer with us.

For another year, I find myself grateful and relieved to not know any zinesters who have passed. As I meet new zinemakers and make new zine friends, I avoid thinking about this sort of thing more and more. It’s all a part of the life cycle, but I’d like to stay in my shiny bubble for as long as I can.

My thoughts do go to all of those who have lost people. I light a candle and hope that you can find comfort in knowing you aren’t alone.

That’s all for me today, zine friends. I will be back tomorrow at least a little bit. 😉

Until then…

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month – Days 19 – 26

Hello, zine friends!

Gosh golly gee, this week certainly got away from me. From the 24-hour zine sessions on Sunday and Monday (I have about nine hours still on the clock hehehe) to a therapy session to getting all geared up for a sleep test session (check out my Instagram if you want to see me looking like part cyborg), everything really ran away.

But that’s life!

Feral Publication and I have been chatting quite a bit lately about taking on too much, neglecting self-care, and along similar lines. So what I’m trying to do more these days is pay attention and not make myself sick overworking.

Don’t get me wrong – it irritates me to no end to not stick to the schedule I have set up here on the blog, but you have to look after your health. This year has been a bit lesson in that.

Still, I promise that – save for anything major happening – everything will be back to normal next week.

On to catching up with IZM!

Continue reading “International Zine Month – Days 19 – 26”

International Zine Month Day 18 – Zine Trade Day

Hello and a happiest of Thursdays to you. Nearly to the end of the week – if you have the standard M-F sort of week happening in your life.

Technically I don’t have the standard happening in my life, but what can I say other than years of schooling still brings a bit of a special shine to Fridays.

Today for International Zine Month, we are well and truly past the halfway mark! And today we trade zines!

Trading zines is something I see as being a very import to the zineverse. It’s a fun way to connect and even meet new people, share ideas, and – of course – share the awesome projects we’ve created. Some of my first interactions with zinemakers was through zine trading with people whom I consider dear friends today. Sometimes trades are one-offs, and that’s okay, too. Sometimes you never know what kind of friends you’ll become.

I am well and truly out of stamp money for the month, so I can’t offer any new trades today. I am happy and pleased as punch to say that a few zinemakers got in straight away at the start of the month to set up some trades, so I’m not really missing out for IZM.

If you would like to trade zines with me, I’d love to! I just won’t be able to send anything out until the end of July…

Are you trading zines with anyone today? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time!

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 17 – Flyer Flier

Hello, zine beans! Welcome back to a glorious International Zine Month Wednesday. Today’s activity is to make fliers for your zines. This turned out to be a great prompt timing-wise.

Fliers! I’ve been meaning to update some of my fliers for a while now, so what better reason than IZM?

I’ve decided to stop making Dear Anonymous after issue 10. There are two issues to go, so if you send more than one letter, you can be in both. Issues will still be available after 10 is done – I just won’t be making more.

Phenomena 1 isn’t even finished yet, but I’m so excited about this and want to make this a series, so I’m already putting the call out for the second issue. Hehe.

The same goes for Workaholic. This one is a bit of a ‘wide spread’ topic, but I think there is so much worth to be found in discussing it. Upward and onward!

That’s me for today, zine beans.

Until next time…

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Days 13-16

Hello zine beans!

I apologise for being MIA for the past few days. No mail arrived in the post box over the past week, and I also decided to take a page from Feral Publication’s book and focus on things that needed attention.

I recently started therapy, and it’s my habit to push aside my ‘homework’ and myself. I’m trying to change that, and that means getting behind in other things sometimes.

So let’s catch up, shall we?

International Zine Month Day 13 – Very Zine Superstitious

The activity for this day is to make up a zine superstition and share it. Last year I wrote about putting positivity into your zine master copy by the light of the moon

For this year’s superstition, I declare that one must have an odd number of black writing instruments when starting to make a zine for the zine-making process to go smoothly. ^_^

International Zine Month Day 14 – ValenZines Day

On this fine Valenzines Day, the activity is to give yourself some zine love in whatever way it means to you.

I started my ValenZines Day with a hot cup of tea and candle with a hot bubble bath. I do like to read and even review zines in the bath. I know there are people who don’t like baths, but I love being surrounded by warmth and the lovely smells of the candle(s) and/or bubble bath.

Nichole of Pieces zine fame posted on Instagram about taking yourself out for a date, so I decided to extend my day a bit. I took myself out on a date to the Murray River.

Fresh air, a gorgeous day, zines to read… Take the little moments of bliss when you can.

International Zine Month Day 15 – Free Zine Day

Free zine day! On this day of International Zine Month, the activity is to give away zines or leave them in public places for strangers to find.

I’m falling back on my Missives From Murray Bridge mailout for this one. However, if you don’t receive the Missives already, I’ll send some out to the first five people who email me their mailing address to seagreenzines at


International Zine Month Day 16 – Zine Love List

And now we are caught up to today – a day of zine love! Make a list of reasons you love zines and share it with others.

As you can imagine, I could go on and on about this all day. Zines mean so much to me in keeping me going when it’s tough, making me feel less alone, giving me purpose… Oh, gosh, I’ve started making my list, haven’t I?

*Variety in topic and approach. Zines come in so many shapes and sizes as well as pretty much every topic under the sun. There are no limits, and that can be such a horrible thing for a lot of other areas. But for zines, I have seen so utterly much good come of it.

*Sharing is caring. While I feel like last year there were a lot of new, fresh starts in zinemaking and a lot of new zinemakers learning and joining up, I feel like this year has been a bit more about collaborations. Collab zines and other collaborative projects, people reviewing each others’ work, and working together in a myriad of different ways. Zines give people an opportunity to connect and find each other in a unique way. Beautiful.

Two doesn’t precisely make a list, but these are the closest to my heart and mind at the moment.

That is me for today, zine beans. I will be back soon with more zine goodness. Until then…

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 12 – ZineWiki Day… Sort Of

Hello and happiest of Fridays to you zine beans!

It’s a cold and blustery one here at the zine cave, but these are the days that make it easy to stay inside rugged up warm to get work done. There’s always a lot of admin to do here in the cave, that’s for sure. Perhaps I should call it the zine office or the last zine post on the right or something like that. Haha. Ideas welcome.

Today for this the 12th day of International Zine Month is Zine Wiki Day.! Your one stop spot for a huge directory of zines, the people who make them, and much more.

Unfortunately… It’s not exactly working properly at the moment, and getting a hold of the people who might be able to fix it is proving difficult.

You can sort of see some pages if you know the full URL of a page. For example: It’s not exactly the easiest to look at and definitely isn’t how it’s supposed to be.

ZineWiki is an amazing source of information, and I truly, truly hope that whoever runs it will be able to get it back to its formal glory. So instead of creating a Wiki page, we can take the day to find and compile all sorts of zine spaces and places. I know my resources page could use a bit of sprucing up, so if you know of something you would like to see added to that page, please let me know.

I’ll be back soon with the Friday zine review!

Others Joining In:

* Hadass:
* Phoebe’s Zines:
* Feral Publication:
* Enter the Papernet:

Let me know if/where you are joining in!