Happy Mail Monday – Zines Galore Edition
Greetings, zine friends, and welcome to possibly the last Happy Mail Monday of 2024! And wow, what a zine-packed edition we have today. Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy the wonderful zine creations.
As always, thank you for watching.
My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia
*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Awesome People:
*Rebekka – 2:45
– galaxyart@posteo.de
*Nero – 17:15
– https://blueberryprincestuff.com
– https://www.instagram.com/blue_berry_prince_stuff/
*Meditation Funnies – 24:57
– https://ko-fi.com/meditationfunnies
– https://www.instagram.com/meditationfunnies/
*Karen Goldsum – 38:21
– https://msha.ke/karengoldsumcreations
– https://www.instagram.com/karens_glimmers/
– https://www.etsy.com/shop/nerdydiatribes/
You Can Find Me At:
Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co
Call for Submissions: What Do We Do: A Collaborative Zine About Surviving A Second Trump Presidency
Call for Submissions: What Do We Do: A Collaborative Zine About Surviving A Second Trump Presidency
Check It Out: Girls Will Be Grrrls (Issue #1)
By @jennarenegade and distributed by @aliasaint.zines Girls Will Be Grrrls is a riot grrrl resurgence zine on feminism, growing up gay, the requirement of sex ed in schools, chat room beginnings, a potentially controversial grad thesis, childhood heroines, and the disappearance of butch/masc lesbians.
It’s a text-heavy lit zine, for those who are down for a good Fall/Winter read. This one is set to be a series of zines, with more to come! Not sure on quite how often yet, but either seasonally or monthly. It’s 36pgs, quarter-sized, stapled. And the center pages offer a cute mini-poster, reminiscent of the pull-out posters in kids mags of the 80s & 90s.
Brush aside, the cobwebs of time.
And wander between the pages.
The tales of reality,
Told in fable and rhymes,
Through struggles, and weary ages.
Truth, and perspective will likely vary,
When you enter the walls,
A Podcast for Storytellers, Poets, and more. We feature storytellers, poets, musicians, as well as interviews with people with interesting occupations. Many contributions come from fellow zinemakers.
Find it here:
Happy Mail Monday – Surprise Books Edition
Hello Monday, hello December, and hello Happy Mail! Wow do we have some treats today with books and zines to check out and enjoy.
As always, thank you for watching.
My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia
*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Awesome People:
*Edd Castillo – 2:38
*Tim Gaze – 14:05
Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:
*Zinia King – https://www.ziniaking.com
*ZineWriMo – https://seagreenzines.com/zinewrimo-2/
*Prompts list – https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/str0t59vev01s2es3t77c/ZineWriMo-2024.jpg?rlkey=fbokhw36307e42pdj4zzqjrpx&st=1u5cge6c&dl=0
You Can Find Me At:
Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Call for Calls for Submissions
Check It Out: That Monthly Zine Projects Themes
It’s a whole year of zine prompt goodness!
Want to get in on more of the fun as well as chat with other zinemakers? Check out @mozipro and the That Monthly Zine Project Facebook Group