Call for Zine Submissions: Hello My Name Is Vol 2


MissMuffcake is putting out another issue of Hello My Name Is zine – a zine that they started to end stigma associated with mental illness and those that have it. They did not plan on doing an issue #2 but after such a warm response at EBABZ on issue 1, they are doing another issue.

What they are looking for: a selfie of you and you to fill in these blanks Hello my name is and I have ______mental illness____ but that _____offer up something positive____.

Example: Hello my name is Kendy, I have OCD/anxiety but that does not stop me from being an awesome cat mom.

Keep it short and sweet. Please send in your photo and completed mini story by Jan 30 2017. The email is mussmuffcake{a} Each contributor gets a copy of course.

Zine Review: Shit Talk


Shit Talk
5th and B
Double Fur Press

Ah, my final review for 2016. You may be a little surprised at my choice of review, considering the occasion, but there is reason to my actions…

Shit Talk is one of those strange things in my universe in that I cannot for the life of me remember when I first saw it. However, I do remember seeing it and thinking that I really wanted to get a copy. Lo and behold, month after that initial discovery and thanks to the generosity of Zine-O-Matic, I have a copy in my hands.

I have had this little gem for a while, but I have a thing about not opening anything until I am totally ready to immerse myself in what I’m doing. And yes, this is a zine that can be ‘opened’ (beyond the opening the cover). That little strip you see on the cover is actually its own piece of paper wrapped around the zine. I’ve finally slid that baby off and enjoyed Shit Talk.

Because they explain it best:

“Bathroom graffiti is done neither for fame nor for profit and is therefore the purest form of art.” Shit Talk is a collaborative bathroom graffiti zine by 5th and B and Double Fur Press. It was created by leaving a blank zine and a pen in a bathroom, and waiting for artists to fill the page.

There’s something utterly fascinating to me about complete strangers creating something together. Yes, there are a lot of references to poop/shit/shat, plenty of swearing and a lot of drawings of dicks and balls. There are the usual trolls saying mean things, but nearly as much as you’d think. (At least, not nearly as much as I’d thought there would be.)

Yet in amongst the multiple drawings of poo and scribbles that are too difficult to read, there are interesting comments and even words that are akin to poetry. All of these people can count having at least one thing in common. Sure, it’s using a toilet, but we have to start somewhere. Hehe. (Come on, I get one ‘hehe’ in all this.

I feel like Shit Talk is a ‘grittier’ alternative to 1000 Journals and other projects like it. It’s something I’ve wanted to do (and failed on a number of occasions). It’s people just being people, shouting to the world in various ways with various attitudes. It’s something that is both ugly and beautiful, lovely and aggravating all at the same time.

People being people, creating something entirely unique when it’s all said and done.

That’s why this zine is the zine I’ve chosen as my final review in 2016.

Zine Review: Shark Self Help


Shark Self Help
Sober Bob Monthly

This zine is brought to you by my bedroom – the only place to go when it’s too humid to exist outside.

I’ve been told that a pun is not a ‘good’ pun unless it’s so bad that you scrunch your nose and groan as if someone in the room has farted.

Well done, Shark Self Help.

Alas, I get ahead of myself. Shark Self Help is a super fun, colour mini-zine helping to inspire you to be your best sharky self. Full of pictures as well as words of wisdom, you really can’t go wrong for a smile when reading this little gem.

Now, I’m not 100% sure because my brain is partially melted from the heat, but I do believe this little beauty is printed and then coloured by hand. If I’m right, that means each zine is unique, even if only in the smallest of ways. If I’m wrong, it’s still great colouring, and I love it.

The advice itself isn’t too punny, using its pun powers for good rather than evil. Even though it is quite funny and cute, it’s still life advice that we should all be so lucky to be reminded of every now and again.

I’m Dreaming… Of An Organised 2017

I must admit that, this holiday season, I am more excited about the new year than I am about the other stuff.

I’m not usually someone who ‘gets into’ a new year being a new or blank slate, I don’t do resolutions, so on and so forth. But perhaps it’s the desperation of a bad year after a series of bad years (I’ve been counting, and life started to get gradually more awful in 2011) that has me grumpy enough to be more active in making things happen in my life.


I’ve been working on various charts, lists, and the like not only to be more organised in 2017 but to be able to get rid of a lot of the extra stuff that is floating around my office. Papers, notebooks, stationery, odds, ends, knick knacks… I want to get rid of most of it, and the way for me to do that is to condense what I do need into a few spaces.

The picture above is part of my zine organising. Everything in one place. One step closer to being a better Sea Green Zines. I’m doing better than I have in the past, but there are still things – podcasting maybe? YouTube videos maybe? more than two reviews a week? – that I want to do but haven’t been able to because I’m still often one step behind.

As you may have guessed at this point, this is a bit of a prattle on post, mostly because this is all I’ve been working on. I do get fixated on things and have to do it ALL RIGHT NOW. (Breaking up tasks isn’t my strong suit.) I would love to see what you’ve been working on, what you received if you celebrated with gifts, what your hopes/plans/goals are for the new year. Are you a resolution type person?

Let me know in the comments. 🙂

Happy Mail – Boxing Day Edition

Happy mail!

I hope you all have had a good weekend independent of celebratory or familial status. I spent most of the weekend having a great time with planning for a bigger, better, even more organised 2017. (Yep, organising is a good time for me.) Plus, this is the year when, pending everything going well, SeaGreenZines will be moving base! I’m looking forward to having a ‘forever’ base of operations.

Anyway, enough about that. Time for the mail!


Forgive the camera lens cover. No, Billy didn’t send me one. (Though I could use a spare.) When the ‘cover’ of your zine is also part of your zine, I get a little bit nervous about showing all the goods. Haha. 😉

Billy has been going through a bit of a rough time of late, so if you can, give him a bit of extra support in whatever way speaks to you. That he’s sent me this from all the way in the States makes me feel very, very lucky.


Sweet surprise mail – with zines! Squee! Emma from Puddle Side Musings took me completely by surprise with this unexpected letter and ziiiines! Pieces just so happens to be one of my favourite zine series, so I’m extra extra thankful for the lovely surprise. (That’s not to say that Ker-Bloom isn’t awesome too, of course!)


Sneaky last minute local mail! Wolfram-J VK of Queer Content fame snuck in on the last day the post office is open for four days. I wasn’t expecting anything, really, but there it was! It’s my very first issue of Queer Content, so I’m very, very excited. Plus, Victoria and Queensland seem to have this weird delay with mail (seriously, I’ve had things from the States arrive faster), so it’s a relief as well to see this safe and sound.

That’s all the happy mail for this week. Sending you all wonderous, happy vibes for the silly season and the new year to come!

Call for Submissions: Thoughts Of You – A Dennis Wilson Fanzine


Theme: Anything inspired by the life, death and songs/music of Dennis Wilson, and/or his inspiration / contributions / role in The Beach Boys.

*Ongoing/no deadline.*

Looking for poems, fiction, humour, photos, art (illustration / collage /comics / memes, photoshops/edits /whatever) essays / articles / reviews, diary comics / graphic essays, memories / tributes &/or personal fan/fandom stories and tributes or anything else you can create.

Zine format will be colour & b/w pdf / A4 b/w print edition (+ pos a colour edition).
Planning to sell the finished zine grassroots homeless / anti-poverty charities.
Published contributers will recieve a free copy.
Long formal post w/ more info, (needs tweaking)

About the zine/blog / Basic idea

Interested in submitting or have any questions?
or dwzine (at) gmail (dot)com

Zine Review: Adulting: How to Be an Adultier Adult


Adulting: How to Be an Adultier Adult
Dr Faith G. Harper

Is it weird for me to be reading this when I’m 30? I’m going to go with ‘no’ because I liked it so much.

Adulting: How to Be an Adultier Adult may be the title, but this zine is about life and being a decent human being. It’s the ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’ zine that I actually read – and I enjoyed it.

Just because ‘adulting’ has a cute-ish name doesn’t mean that adulting isn’t difficult, confusing, confronting, and a whole lot of different things. This zine does a great job of reminding you that, yeah, it’s bloody hard without giving you a bottle and throwing you a pity party.

Because adulting, in the end, is not just what we do. It’s who we are when we are our best and most mature selves in every situation.

Plus, how could a list that starts with ‘don’t be a dick’ be a bad thing?

When it comes to the list, though, I have to say that the ‘mind your language’ section is my favourite. It reminds you how just one word in a sentence can mean the difference between showing yourself or anyone else respect and showing disrespect.

Maybe you’re struggling with the whole adulting concept or maybe you’ve been adulting just fine for a long time. No matter where you are on the scale, I think this zine has a few things that we could all use being reminded of every now and then.