Done, Doing, Dreaming – October 2022


Hello, October, and hello to the last quarter of 2022. A lot of things are still up in the air, and a lot has been happening, but there are plans! And chatting. A lot of chatting. Grab a cuppa and let’s catch up.

Side note: My apologies for saying HP instead of HB in regards to the planner!

Like what I do here? Consider supporting me and Sea Green Zines on Ko-Fi:

Thank you so much for watching.

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Zine Review Index –

*ZineWriMo –

*ZineWriMo Creator – Jasper

*NaNoWriMo –

*Heart Breathings –

*HB90 Planner –

*Cindy Guentert-Baldo Reviews HB90 –

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:

Done, Doing, Dreaming – May 2022


Hello friends! Grab you hot or cool drink, settle in, and let’s chat. Today I’m relaxing and talking about some changes to Missives mail outs, setting up a Ko-Fi, how I’m still dreaming about the podcast returning, spoonie life, and more.

Like what I do here? Consider supporting me and Sea Green Zines on Ko-Fi:

Thank you so much for watching.

Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Juuniper Bunny –

*Billy –

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:

Done, Doing, Dreaming March 2022


Welcome to a long overdue done, doing, dreaming where I chat about what’s happening in the Sea Green Zines world bubble.

As always, thank you for watching.

Awesome Things/People Mentioned

*Done, Doing, Dreaming Playlist –

*Sea Green Zines Ko-Fi –

*Iestyn/Zine Love –

*Studio Ghibli Fanzine –

*Call for Guest Posts –

*DA9 Call for Submissions –

*Phenomena 2 Call for Submissions –

*Workaholic 2 Call for Submissions –

My PO Box:

Sea Green Zines
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:

Link Tree:

Done, Doing, Dreaming – December 2021 Edition


This one is going up much later than anticipated, but it’s still December, and I’m still wrapping up what I’ve done, been doing, and am dreaming of in this last month of 2021.
As always, thank you for watching.


Awesome Things/People Mentioned
*Done, Doing, Dreaming 1 –

*ZineWriMo –
*Anchor –
*SeaGreenZines Etsy –
*Allie WarGlitter –

*Calls for submissions:
– Phenomena –
– Workaholic –
– Dear Anonymous –

My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253
You Can Find Me At:
Sea Green Zines:
Link Tree:

Done, Doing, Dreaming – Video Edition


Hello zine friends! I decided to take my monthly (or so) updates blog post and make it into a video instead. What do you think? In this video I talk about ZineWriMo 2021, planner organisation, podcast updates, and more.

As always, thank you for watching.


Awesome Things/People Mentioned

*ZineWriMo –
*NaNoWriMo –
*Plum Paper Planners –
*The Zine Collector –
*Passion Planner –
*Bullet Journal –
*SeaGreenZines Etsy –
*Acast –
*SoundCloud –
*Calls for submissions:
– Phenomena –
– Workaholic –
– Dear Anonymous –


My PO Box:

Sea Green Zines
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:

Sea Green Zines:
Link Tree:

Done, Doing, Dreaming

Hello, zine friends. Once again it has been a little quiet around these parts. That’s the thing about life – it just keeps going whether you like it or not. Things just keep happening whether we like it to or not. All we can do is keep trying to go with the flow.

So what’s in store for SeaGreenZines?


*Scheduled Posts Hiccup – I’m not sure how I didn’t catch this before now, but it seems that scheduled posts on WordPress don’t play nicely with the change of the clocks. Posts that were scheduled up simply didn’t post and remained as ‘scheduled’. I think I have fixed everything now.


*Resting? – A big lesson of this year already has been about health. I’m doing a lot more to improve my health and wellness, but it’s a long road. A road that involves accepting that I can’t do all the things for all the people all the time. (This irritates me to no end. Haha.)

*Zine Reviews – Yes, this goes here, too, because I still have a long way to go.

*SGZ Pages – This is definitely on the to-do list – especially the resources page. I really want this whole website to be a zine hub, so if you are a zinemaker, have a zine shop, run a zine related page or blog – please let me know because I’d love to add you to the list.

*Review Index Part Two – In updating the index, I found out that some of the reviews no longer have their cover pictures. I’m not sure exactly why or how, but I’m guessing it happened during the transfer to the new hosting. I’ll be working on getting the covers back into those posts.


*Button machine! Thanks to the awesomeness of True Zine Marin, Sea Green Zines now has a button machine. I’m so excited and have so many dreams of different buttons I can make. I need to get the swing of the machine going by my first buttons, but there may be some SGZ-made buttons coming to my shops soon.

*I’m still dreaming of finishing up Phenomena 2, Workaholic 2, Dear Anonymous 9, and Dear Anonymous 10. I thought I’d be able to finish them before the end of the year, but, at this point, I really have no idea. I’m trying to get as much as possible done each day.

*I’m dreaming of a few new personal zines as well as some things to add to the YouTube channel… but they are all definitely well within dreaming territory for now.


And here we are at the end of the list already. Not much has changed, and I feel like I’m repeating myself way too much by apologising yet again. Life just keeps coming. I keep thinking I will ‘go back to normal’ at some point, but I am beginning to think that’s not possible anymore. Now is the time to sort out and make a new normal. Wish me luck…

Until next time, spread a little sunshine.

Done, Doing, Dreaming

Hello, zine beans! It has been a touch quiet around these parts, but that doesn’t mean nothing has been happening! I am so, so happy to have finally finished some of these things so I can get started on even more.


*Review Index – The Zine Review Index is finally up to date! At least up to the beginning of this month. I was behind back to 2019, I’m ashamed to say, so finishing this was a huge relief.

*Distro! – The Distro is finally fully back up, stocked, and running. The whole thing disappeared after the hosting transfer, and it’s another huge relief to have it back into shape.

*Zine Reviews – I’m not caught up completely by any means, but I want to put this here because I’m proud of how far I’ve come so far. I’m feeling more comfortable with how many reviews I have (I shouldn’t miss any review days for a good while) finished and in catching up on those who were specifically waiting for reviews. It also feels great to get back to the foundation of Sea Green Zines.


*Resting? – A big lesson of this year already has been about health. I’m doing a lot more to improve my health and wellness, but it’s a long road. A road that involves accepting that I can’t do all the things for all the people all the time. (This irritates me to no end. Haha.)

*Zine Reviews – Yes, this goes here, too, because I still have a long way to go.

*SGZ Pages – This is definitely on the to-do list – especially the resources page. I really want this whole website to be a zine hub, so if you are a zinemaker, have a zine shop, run a zine related page or blog – please let me know because I’d love to add you to the list.

*Review Index Part Two – In updating the index, I found out that some of the reviews no longer have their cover pictures. I’m not sure exactly why or how, but I’m guessing it happened during the transfer to the new hosting. I’ll be working on getting the covers back into those posts.


*Button machine! Thanks to the awesomeness of True Zine Marin, Sea Green Zines now has a button machine. I’m so excited and have so many dreams of different buttons I can make. I need to get the swing of the machine going by my first buttons, but there may be some SGZ-made buttons coming to my shops soon.

*I’m still dreaming of finishing up Phenomena 2, Workaholic 2, Dear Anonymous 9, and Dear Anonymous 10. I thought I’d be able to finish them before the end of the year, but, at this point, I really have no idea. I’m trying to get as much as possible done each day.

*I’m dreaming of a few new personal zines as well as some things to add to the YouTube channel… but they are all definitely well within dreaming territory for now.


Here we are! I got a little bit lost in the details for a while in regards to overthinking everything and getting stressed about the future. But looking at things from a bigger perspective, I see that I’ve made a lot of progress. I’m finally starting to see the glimmers of what I want Sea Green Zines to be. Upward and onward.

Until next time, spread a little sunshine.

Done, Doing, Dreaming

Hello and a happy mid week to you all from the somewhat steamy land of Oz. (Humidity. Ew.) Times are busy here in the zine cave, and it feels good to be so. What have I been up to?


*Happy Mail Monday is done and posted! I mean, yes, you saw that Monday, but I’m so happy. Partly to start getting back to some sort of normalcy but also because, yes, it means the computer has arrived! I’m still setting it up, but it’s been brilliant so far. It’s been nearly a decade since I updated anything, so everything is working smoother and faster.


*Resting… sort of. Resting isn’t really a strength of mine, but I’d still say I’m mostly recovered from the whole kidney stone thing, thank goodness. Those things can cause so much trouble, and I’m lucky mine passed without any lasting damage.

*Zine reviews! I’m still very behind, but I’m starting to get ahead. I also still want to do some… something so I’m posting more of them to catch up. People have been amazingly patient.

*SGZ Pages – I think the pages here on the blog could use some updating. I know links to other zine spaces and places could use updating, so if you are a zinemaker, have a zine shop, run a zine related page or blog – please let me know because I’d love to add you to the list.

*Review Index – This hasn’t been updated in way too long, so I’ll be working on updating it and making sure all of the links work.

*Distro! This definitely needs to be rebuilt, and soon. I’ve taken way too long.


*Button machine! Thanks to the awesomeness of True Zine Marin, Sea Green Zines now has a button machine. I’m so excited and have so many dreams of different buttons I can make. I need to get the swing of the machine going by my first buttons, but there may be some SGZ-made buttons coming to my shops soon.

*I’m still dreaming of finishing up Phenomena 2, Workaholic 2, Dear Anonymous 9, and Dear Anonymous 10. I thought I’d be able to finish them before the end of the year, but, at this point, I really have no idea. I’m trying to get as much as possible done each day.

*I’m dreaming of a few new personal zines as well as some things to add to the YouTube channel… but they are all definitely well within dreaming territory for now.


Upward and onward right? I have more plans starting to bubble to the surface as I start to get organised. I want to build things in a say that will let me be as consistent as possible, so I’m taking it slowly.

Until next time, spread a little sunshine.

Done, Doing, Dreaming – Mostly Site Stuff

Very possibly boring site stuff. I’m not sure. Haha

Hellooooo zine friends! And happy Tuesday which is kind of like a Monday if you also had a public holiday yesterday.

I’m so tired. Haha.

Today is the first ‘official’ day here on the new hosting. It’s not really that big of a deal, but it also feels nice to have a bit more freedom with what I do on the site – at least in the background. It also allows me to do some really cool things that I don’t quite want to announce until I’m closer to being ready.

Super secret zine stuff, ya know.

There’s still a lot of things to do – mostly tweaking and fixing things that don’t work. Right now the priority list is fixing all the embedded videos. Then I’ll move on to see what I can do with the various dead links.

The Zine Review Index has finally been updated for the first time in quite a while. I still have to update and ramp up the Resources page.

Special Note: If you’d like to subscribe via email, you can do so by checking out the sidebar on site. You’ll receive emails whenever I post something new. I’m not going to go the newsletter route.

That’s me for today, I’m afraid. I’m a bit brain fried and tired. I will be back on Thursday for our regularly scheduled zine goodness.

Until next time…

Done, Doing, Dreaming – Forever Planning

Hello, zine friends! How is it going?

Gosh, it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these posts. The last time was a ‘moving in’ update of sorts last September, and the one before that was contemplating a title change for this category of posts last May.

I’ve been feeling a bit aimless in recent times, but a bit of sunny weather (autumn/winter weather takes a toll) has me feeling great and determined to start working on the lists that have been growing for so long. After all, it’s just not right if this zine enthusiast isn’t actually making zines, now is it? Haha.

Here’s what I have on the table at the moment:


*Paper Currency 2 – This one has been put on the back burner way too many times, and I am excited to get it going. I already have the cover art sorted and just need to get some articles for it. There’s still plenty of time to submit!

*Don’t Call Me Cupcake 10 – I took a break from DCMC after #9/9.5 because I was too heartbroken over severed friendships during/after the move to work more on the series. I finally feel ready again and want to do something different to celebrate ten issues.

*Hemp vs Cotton – This is a mini-zine I have had in mind for a long time about how ridiculous it is that we’re still growing cotton when hemp is such a better alternative. All the writing is done – I just have to format it.

*Untitled Anxiety Zine – Time has slipped away very quickly on this one, but I am also glad for it. Some perspective helps, and I’m gathering my notes to get ready to write about my stay in the anxiety clinic.

*Photo Zine(s) – I have a few photo ideas floating around in this head of mine. Right now, I’m trying to find a printer, as I’d like to do ‘to the edge’ printing for at least one of them.

*Workaholic Zine – This idea started as a conversation between me and my friend LP, and I’ve held onto it because I really want to make it. I’m still brainstorming, but if you’d like to get involved, please feel free to get in touch.

Stack on the list as per usual. Haha. There’s so much to do and never enough time for everything, right? There’s also International Zine Month coming up sooner rather than later to get prepped for. I’m also still investigating an alternative to Etsy because the fees are getting me down and having no option for calculating shipping based on weight is a constant annoyance.

That’s me for now. What are you up to? Any fun zine projects? Other projects? Let me know in the comments.