Hello, zine beans! It has been a touch quiet around these parts, but that doesn’t mean nothing has been happening! I am so, so happy to have finally finished some of these things so I can get started on even more.
*Review Index – The Zine Review Index is finally up to date! At least up to the beginning of this month. I was behind back to 2019, I’m ashamed to say, so finishing this was a huge relief.
*Distro! – The Distro is finally fully back up, stocked, and running. The whole thing disappeared after the hosting transfer, and it’s another huge relief to have it back into shape.
*Zine Reviews – I’m not caught up completely by any means, but I want to put this here because I’m proud of how far I’ve come so far. I’m feeling more comfortable with how many reviews I have (I shouldn’t miss any review days for a good while) finished and in catching up on those who were specifically waiting for reviews. It also feels great to get back to the foundation of Sea Green Zines.
*Resting? – A big lesson of this year already has been about health. I’m doing a lot more to improve my health and wellness, but it’s a long road. A road that involves accepting that I can’t do all the things for all the people all the time. (This irritates me to no end. Haha.)
*Zine Reviews – Yes, this goes here, too, because I still have a long way to go.
*SGZ Pages – This is definitely on the to-do list – especially the resources page. I really want this whole website to be a zine hub, so if you are a zinemaker, have a zine shop, run a zine related page or blog – please let me know because I’d love to add you to the list.
*Review Index Part Two – In updating the index, I found out that some of the reviews no longer have their cover pictures. I’m not sure exactly why or how, but I’m guessing it happened during the transfer to the new hosting. I’ll be working on getting the covers back into those posts.
*Button machine! Thanks to the awesomeness of True Zine Marin, Sea Green Zines now has a button machine. I’m so excited and have so many dreams of different buttons I can make. I need to get the swing of the machine going by my first buttons, but there may be some SGZ-made buttons coming to my shops soon.
*I’m still dreaming of finishing up Phenomena 2, Workaholic 2, Dear Anonymous 9, and Dear Anonymous 10. I thought I’d be able to finish them before the end of the year, but, at this point, I really have no idea. I’m trying to get as much as possible done each day.
*I’m dreaming of a few new personal zines as well as some things to add to the YouTube channel… but they are all definitely well within dreaming territory for now.
Here we are! I got a little bit lost in the details for a while in regards to overthinking everything and getting stressed about the future. But looking at things from a bigger perspective, I see that I’ve made a lot of progress. I’m finally starting to see the glimmers of what I want Sea Green Zines to be. Upward and onward.
Until next time, spread a little sunshine.