Zine Review: Pieces 14 / International Zine Month Day 11

Today’s International Zine Month activity is to buy, share, or read zines from a country other than your own, which has just so nicely happened to land on a zine review day. So today I bring you a review of a zine by the US zinemaker Nichole.

Pieces 14: on the Demon

Pieces 14 is a US ¼ sized black and white perzine about mental illness, constructions and coping creations, and learning to take control.

“Everything about this is disjointed and, in places, extremely brief… but it will at least exist. That is something positive.”

Sometimes while I may want to read a zine straight away, I know I can’t. I know I need to keep it unread for a while until I can give it the reading time and space – both physically and mentally – that it deserves. Copies of Pieces always fall into this category, and, knowing something of how much it took Nichole to create Pieces 14, it was especially true of this issue.

This feeling is emphasised right from the start, as Nichole calls this zine many things from self-indulgent to frightening and intimate. She reveals herself as utterly vulnerable and unsure – questioning (as I think many a perzine writer has) the motivation in making in the first place. And yet this is exactly why I see Nichole as so strong for sharing.

After the opening, Nichole moves onto Shadow Work: the process by which Nichole reclaims the parts of her she finds unacceptable, immoral, and ugly (and a concept I find incredibly intriguing). She writes about the three ways to approach the practise and how most people seek to avoid these self-truths.

From there we travel with Nichole as she explores many things under the umbrella of Self and Identity. With a focus on mental health issues, Nichole touches on thoughts and fears around not being ‘sick enough’ to seek help while at the same time fearing being ‘sick enough’ to have help forced upon you. The frantic search to find meaning and definition while not letting anyone in to help you with the search lest you become a burden,

Counselling, sexuality, fear, shame, the masks we wear, and much more are parts of Nichole’s mental journey looking back and pondering forward about life. A huge part of the writing focuses on the creations we create to cope and how these creations can be just as complex as we are. That they can both harm and hurt. Though, while I type that, I feel like that is a rather ‘light’ description of the contents of this zine.

“I was so obsessed with being perfect and being a good girl that I didn’t know what to do with all the “bad” stuff.”

As per usual with an issue of Pieces, I could go on and on about how much I identify with what Nichole has written. There were times I had to stop and go back to re-read paragraphs because I was so eager that I started reading too fast for my brain to keep up.

Nichole’s layouts are always appealing with just enough elements for variety and visual appeal without taking away from the important subject at hand. With a natural affinity for images of butterflies and clocks, I fall just as easily into the visuals Nichole chooses as well as the words.

An especially powerful part of this zine is Nichole’s acknowledgments of her constructs and the importance of distinguishing what is a part of you – what is something you have created within yourself. Taking control of your own creations is often not anywhere as easy as it would seem to be on paper. Taking back your power sometimes means taking it back from the pieces of yourself.

“Waging war against yourself is tiring.”

Pieces is a zine series I have long enjoyed reading and gained more understanding from than I can really say. If enjoying all the zines that came before a particular one is a bias, then I most certainly have it with this, the 14th in the series. That being said, I think this issue of Pieces stands alongside one that Nichole actually doesn’t print anymore. It’s an issue in which Nichole challenges herself to not only examine the topics in the zine but the challenge of putting it all down on the page.

As per usual, I’m grateful that she has done so. Pieces 14 and the issues before it have and continue to give me the courage to talk about things that I’ve dealt with for nearly three decades and never told a soul…

To put it simply, get Pieces 14 and all the ones that came before it.

International Zine Month Day 10 – Write to a Zinemaker

Hello, dear and wonderful zine friends!

I’m thinking zine friend Hadass really has the smart way of it by writing a weekly round up blog post covering International Zine Month fun rather than posting every day. Haha.

Admin got the best of me yesterday, and I missed posting here. However, one thing I did do was send out a zine order to the amazing aforementioned zine-making Hadass. Another thing I did was mail out a package of goodness to my amazing zine-making friend Black Wolf! The fun with that one is that her birthday is coming up* so she got pressies as well.

So do zine-making mail sends make up for not writing a letter? I hope so. Haha.

I’m taking my own advice for today and not stressing about something that is meant to be fun. So no stress, and yay for fun mail!

That will be me, but only for a little while. There’s a review to come.

Until then…

*Fun fact – Black Wolf and I have five days different between our birthdays, and our partners have birthdays that are also only five days apart. O_O Spooooky.

Others Joining In:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 9 – Zine Penpals

Happy Tuesday, zine friends. And what a beautiful day it has been here in this small part of Oz.

Perfect for writing letters in the sunshine!

Today’s activity for International Zine Month is to write to a zine penpal! I’m very, very happy to have zine penpals near and far, and one of the ways I keep in contact with them is my Missives From Murray Bridge.

Missives From Murray Bridge is my monthly newsletter containing bits and bobs from what’s happening in and around the zine cave. I think newsletters are a great way to share happy mail and keep up with what friends are doing and what they care to share. You can include personal letters along with them, stickers, ephemera, other fun.

Happy mail all the way.

If you’re interested in getting onto the Missives mailing list, check out my Patreon page or send an email. 😛

Who are you writing to today? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time…

Others Joining In:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 8 – Zine Recipe Day

Hello once again, dear zine friends! It’s another double-post day with it being Happy Mail Monday and all, but they both came together quite well this year…

For today’s activity, we cook with a recipe found in a zine!

In previous years, this day has been a bit of a mixed bag as far as having the time, energy, and ingredients to make a recipe found in a zine. The same goes for this year, too. I had good intentions, but filming and then editing Happy Mail Monday always takes the day and wears me out.

However, the timing was so utterly beautiful that I can’t resist spinning the activity just a little bit to put a spotlight on a specific zine that landed in the mail today:

Vegan Spoonie Food by Zappix Art!

Timing, right? Landing in the post box on just the right day. Hehe! And with some delicious sounding recipes inside as well. (Pancakes? Banana bread? Yes, please!)

I am sorry I didn’t actually get around to making myself any of these recipes, but I figure shining a spotlight on a lovely artist has to be the next best thing.

And with that, I bid you all a good night (Australia time)! I’ll be back tomorrow with some letter-writing goodness. Until then…

Others Joining In:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 7 – Zine Distro Appreciation Day

I’m baaaaack. Haha. Happy day seven of International Zine Month and Zine Distro Appreciation Day!

Zine Distro Appreciation Day has a little extra shine this year for me with the Sea Green Distro being well and truly rocking and rolling. But today’s activity is to order from a distro and get some reading material…

The most recent issue of Broken Pencil caught my eye, so what better time to order?

About Broken Pencil: the magazine of zine culture and the independent arts

Welcome to Broken Pencil! Since 1995, we have been a mega-zine dedicated exclusively to exploring independent creative action. Published four times a year, each issue of Broken Pencil features reviews of hundreds of zines and small press books, plus comics, excerpts from the best of the underground press, interviews, original fiction and commentary on all aspects of the indie arts. From the hilarious to the perverse, Broken Pencil challenges conformity and demands attention.

So technically Broken Pencil itself is a magazine. However, they do sell zines in their shop.

My completionist soul is already stirring because you can order all the back issues of the mag too…


If you’ve ordered yourself some zine goodness today, where have you ordered from? I’m always interested in finding out about new-to-me distros around the world.

Until next time!

Others Joining In:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 6 – Zine Pride Day

Happy Zine Pride Day!

Technically, Zine Pride Day was yesterday Australia time, but this site kept dropping out on me, and I eventually got to the point of getting sick of trying to post. So let’s all it Zine Pride Weekend. 😉

For Zine Pride, we are encouraged to buy, share, and read zines by people of marginalise sexual orientations and gender identities. (And don’t forget to visit the Queer Zine Archive Project!)

I decided to to share an old favourite as well as a new favourite for the zine pride loooove. For the old favourite…

Dirty Lesbian by Nina Echozina of Echo Publishing (review here) is an amazing zine by an amazing person.

“It is a call for a more radical feminism, for a lesbian and trans revolution, for getting rid of cishetpatriarchy instead of cutely smiling in the hopes of getting some crumbs.”

Definitely check it out.

The new favourite comes in the form of a collaboration zine series: Concrete Queers.

Concrete Queers is a zine made by queer people for queer people. The zine is edited by Katherine Back and Alison Evans. The truck logos are by Claire Gunst and our header is the cover art from CQ6 by Kitty Chrystal.

Each issue of CQ has a theme.

I picked up the pictured issues (3 and 9) of Concrete Queers at Festival of the Photocopier earlier this year, and have had a lovely time getting into them.

More fun? They are open for submissions!

The next three themes for CQ issues and their submission call end dates are:

CQ15: Trash and treasure – November 30
CQ16: Growth – January 25 2020
CQ17: Magic – April 25 2020

Read more about submissions HERE.

Wishing you all a beautiful, happy, and celebratory Zine Pride weekend, dear friends.

Until next time, check out the others joining in International Zine Month:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 5 / Zine Review: Am I Adulting Right?

Hello, and happy Friday, zine friends! Today I get to combine International Zine Month and my usual zine-posting schedule.

It’s zine review day!

So let’s get to it, shall we?

Am I Adulting Right?
Emma Charleston

Am I Adulting Right? is an A5 zine riso-printed in red and purple chock full of statistics on how we adult (and how we don’t).

“122 people were kind enough to anonymously fill out my survey to provide a data set that will give us all a better idea of each other’s behaviour. This will hopefully show that there is no right or wrong way of doing things, while giving us a guideline for things we’d always wondered about but never wanted to ask!”

Sometimes it’s better to let a zine introduce itself.

I’m someone who loves digging into census numbers, survey results, and pretty much any human statistics I can get my hands on. I’m so happy to have this zine in my collection.

Am I Adulting Right? opens with an introduction in numbers to the people who took the survey insofar as the usual ‘getting to know you’ age, etc types of questions. It was great to see ‘other/genderqueer’ on the options list, and I was also pleasantly surprised to see the age spread of the people involved (the majority being 30-40). I find a lot of modern polls focus mostly on the young crowds.

From there we find out responses to questions about taking care of things around the house, nicely sorted by area (eg the kitchen). We find out how often people changed their bed linens to what (if anything) they iron.

All of these stats are presented in clear, readable fonts with visually interesting layout and presentation to go along with the questions asked. I would have enjoyed the numbers on their own, but the way it’s all set up makes everything all the more enjoyable.

There’s even a comment section in the back where people share their additional thoughts on gender and housework, routines, and more.

This zine is a particular flavour of tea, but it’s a cup I think is well worth checking out. I think it’s fun as well as interesting.

Others Joining In:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month Day 4 – AmeriZine Day

Happy fourth of July, American zine friends!

Technically I’m still American as I still hold citizenship there, but I don’t really celebrate US holidays and haven’t for a long time. Let’s just say my Australian citizenship has taken over. Haha.


Welcome to day four of International Zine Month! Today is the day for exploring marginalised voices in America. Buy, share, and read zines about racial justice and zines written by American people of colour.

Today I’d like to share a zine I reviewed a while back called Queer Indigenous Girl by Se’mana Thompson. Queer Indigenous Girl is a full-colour perzine that covers topics like introductions, O’Otham culture, reading recommendations, and Se’mana’s experiences living with ADHD.

You can check out the review here.

I haven’t heard from/about Se’mana for a while, so I hope that they and their children are okay. If you know if they’re okay, I’d love to know.

Whose zines are you reading, buying, and/or sharing today? I would love to know.

Others Joining In:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

PS. Zine reviews will resume next week!

International Zine Month Day 3 – Zine Teacher

Hello, and a happy mid-week wish for you, zine friends.

Today our activity is to spread the zine love but also the zine knowledge by teaching others about zines.

I must confess that in previous years, I have been a bit cheeky and used this site as the means by which I teach people about zines. If you don’t know, I have social anxiety disorder and, since moving to Murray Bridge, I don’t exactly have a lot of friends. (At least, not offline ones who don’t already know about zines.)

There is no cheeky bending of the rules this year, though, zine beans! This year, things just so happened to line up that I started counselling sessions, and so I introduced my psychologist to zines!

Zines are a massive part of my life – one might even go so far as to say they ARE my life – so I needed to show this new person in my life what my focus and passions are.

I’m very pleased to say that she thinks zines are absolutely brilliant, a great form of therapy for me, and a great time overall. Hehe!


I’m so pleased to have had the opportunity to share zines – and share myself, really – in a way that didn’t provoke my anxiety too much but that also had the potential to be spread to others.

So if today is a difficult day for YOU because of anxiety or other causes, believe you me when I write that I will be the last one to judge you if you want to bend the rules a bit or even substitute in a different activity. No stress here!

This is where I usually say ‘that’s it for me today’ but… I have a little bonus for you courtesy of my amazing friend Feral Publication:

Videos for International Zine Month made by the awesome Feral Publication!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trS6pVtjsjw&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZJw-xwomJ8&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVf4KsVPO9E&w=560&h=315]

Enjoy, wonderful humans, and I’ll be back tomorrow.

Much love.

Others Joining In:

* Hadass: https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* Phoebe’s Zines: https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/
* Feral Publication: https://youtu.be/trS6pVtjsjw
* Enter the Papernet: http://www.enterthepaper.net/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!

International Zine Month 2019 Day 2 – Zine Rewind

Hello, zine friends, and welcome to day two of International Zine Month.

Today we re-read our favourite zines and remember why we love them. Of course, this isn’t always an easy task. Haha. Especially if you’re like me and have a hard time sorting out favourites. However, my mind has been in a certain space lately, and this is the zine I have chosen to remember my zine love as well as soothe my soul.

Today I’m reading Pieces 13 by Nichole.

I’ve read a lot of zines and have had plenty of ‘me too’ variety light bulb moments, but the moment I experienced with this zine was a huge moment for me. It made a large part of my life suddenly make sense.

You can read my full review here.

What are you reading today? Let me know in the comments. 🙂

Until next time…

Others Joining In:

* https://hadass420.wordpress.com/
* https://www.instagram.com/phoebeszines/

Let me know if/where you are joining in!