ZineWriMo Days 27-29

When your zine cat knows you’ve had a rough weekend…

Hello, dear and wonderful zine friends! I hope this Monday finds you well. As you may have already noticed, I wasn’t able to put up a Happy Mail Monday today. It has been a full on day with appointments and things. It’s late in the afternoon, and I’m still going strong with my to-do list. The recent changes in border restrictions here in Australia led to a lot of changes I needed to make personally, all of which have been very time consuming.

I plan on doing Happy Mail Monday tomorrow, but I need to leave a little wiggle room with that due to another appointment tomorrow. I am hoping that, after this week, I will have a completely normal and mundane month of December.

That said, let’s get on with ZineWriMo!

Continue reading “ZineWriMo Days 27-29”

Call for Submissions: Thoughts of You Fanzine

Call for submissions: Thoughts Of You fanzine is looking for anything related to Dennis Wilson (Beach Boys) & Christine McVie (Fleetwood Mac).

extra socials info : facebook: dwfanzine
twitter: dwfanzine instagram: thoughtsofdennis

Submission Info: denniswilsonzine.tumblr.com/post/611060264586149888/are-you-looking-for-submissions-for-a-second

(Image: Cutout photo of Dennis Wilson from The Beach Boys playing piano while Christine McVie (Fleetwood Mac) looks on, outlined in burnt gold. Text above & overlayed is in conte crayon/pencil style in black, gold or pink and with a hot pink outline).


Thoughts Of You – a Dennis Wilson fanzine. Contributions & comments welcome.

Issue 1 is out now: https://gumroad.com/l/DWZ1

I am fundraising for a homeless charity in memory of Dennis

ZineWriMo Day 26 – Set Your Zine Free

Hello and happy Friday, zine friends! And what a beautiful Friday it is. The sun is shining and the breeze is refreshing here in this little patch of Oz. What a beautiful day for sharing.

Set Your Zine Free – Give away your zine or leave it somewhere to be found

As much as I would love to send out as many physical copies of my zines all around the world… postage is what it is. However, I would still like to set my zines free. So from here until the end of the month (and probably a little longer as I tend to forget these things), you can get a copy of the very first 24 Hour Zine Thing in PDF form by clicking on the link here:

24 Hour Zine Thing 1

Please enjoy and have an absolutely beautiful weekend.


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

Zine Review – The Stars Are Back

The Stars Are Back
16 pages

The Stars are Back is a full colour 14cm x 18cm comic about the impact of toxic relationships and how life-changing it can be to develop a healthy relationship with yourself as well as with another person.

There is a trigger warning for a suicide mention in this zine.

Oh my goodness, this zine got me right in the centre of my heart and stayed there the whole way through.

The Stars are back starts in a dark place with one of the hardest ordeals a friend can deal with. From there, the author writes about bad relationships and friendships in their life that were toxic for various reasons. But there is light to be found in the darkness and reasons that the stars come back to light the universe. This isn’t a story that ends up in a neat little happily ever after bow, but rather a story of real life that ends with the unknown future looking positive.

“But one day, I tried to stop lighting myself on fire to keep them warm.”

There are so many different things that I like about this zine, but this quote really stuck out to me. As someone who deals with PTSD and still has nightmares thanks to other humans, this zine spoke to me so much. Also, as someone who only recently found someone who makes their heart shine in that special way, it resonated. I think a lot of people will identify with this zine on a number of levels. Bad relationships are something many have struggled with, and I can only wish that everyone will find someone who makes their stars shine brightly again. This comic zine definitely give that hope.

I can’t write a full review without mentioning the quality of this zine. It’s lovely! From the cardstock cover to thicker inner pages to the to-the-edge colour printing, it’s simply a beautiful comic. Bern’s art style is colourful and intense with so much visual interest. Yes, there are dark elements, but the art style itself and later panels show an artist with such a fun and bubbly personality underneath all the bad things that have happened.

All up, I think this is a wonderful zine. If you don’t mind what’s noted in the trigger warning, this is definitely one to check out.

ZineWriMo Day 25 – Warm Up – Write To A Friend

Hello, hello, and hello, my dear and wonderful zine friends. Happy Thursday and happy day all around. Today we have a ZineWriMo prompt filled with awesome feels in the form of…

Warm Up – Write To A Friend

I am always about spreading the positivity and good feels, and today is definitely about that. I’m a paper and pen kind of woman, but regardless of whether you type up an email or text, write a little note, or post a letter, a few positive words to a friend can go a long way. Today I sat down to write about some life joys in the paper and pen way to a dear friend whom I have known for a long time.

Even though I am a paper and pen kind of woman, I must admit that the longer letter style did have my hands aching just a wee bit afterwards. But it’s so worth it in my eyes. It felt good to write a letter. I know I will be handwriting the November Missive From Murray Bridge as well.

Did you write to someone today? Do you prefer a text? Email? A handwritten letter?


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

Happy Mail Monday – Ebb & Flow Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl5ThCBgxMk&w=425&h=315]

Hello and welcome back to Happy Mail Monday! This week I have a fabulous description section with so many links to check out thanks to amazing friends from the US and Brasil!

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Anna Gecko – https://www.instagram.com/oleandrsstudio/

*Eishin Yoshida – https://www.eishinyoshida.com

*Henry Jaepelt – https://www.instagram.com/henryjaepelt/

*Fafa Jaepelt – https://www.instagram.com/fafa.jaepelt/

*Ro Maurer – https://www.instagram.com/rochelle.xerox/
*Eliel Ribeiro – https://www.instagram.com/elielold/
*Jose Carlos de Souza – https://www.instagram.com/todamusicaquenosconsome/
*Laura Laco – https://www.instagram.com/020papel/
*Anne Yoshida – https://www.instagram.com/ayoshida.art/
*Caterina Salazar – https://www.instagram.com/devilkaty_ilustraciones/
*Idezio Junior – https://www.instagram.com/idezio.junior/
*Kaline Nelika – https://www.instagram.com/lojanelikaartes/
*Marco Donida – marcodonida(at)gmail.com
*Maricel Martinez – https://www.instagram.com/maricielo_art/
*Patricia Breccia – https://www.instagram.com/patribreccia/
*Paulo Zanon – https://www.instagram.com/pzanon_/
*Raquel ‘Quel’ Costa – https://www.instagram.com/pembapress/
*Taciana Dada – https://www.instagram.com/taciana_dada/

*ZineWriMo – https://seagreenzines.com/zinewrimo-is-coming-2/
*Zine Chat – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPF0x7qjUPc
*The Artist’s Way – https://juliacameronlive.com/the-artists-way/


My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

ZineWriMo Day 20 – Make a Zine – Blackout Poetry

Hello zine friends, and hello weekend. Unless it’s not your weekend. If so, hello Saturday! After missing the last make a zine day, I was excited to get into things today and extra excited because I like blackout poetry.

Make a Zine – Blackout Poetry

If you’re not familiar, blackout poetry is taking an existing piece of text – usually from a book or a newspaper – and redacting or blacking out some of the words to create your own poetry.

I decided to create a poem out of one of my favourite quotes from Washington Irving.

“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not a mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition and of unspeakable love.”

― Washington Irving

I want to poke away at how it looks, but I was actually pleasantly surprised at how the poem turned out. I was worried that something so short wouldn’t bring about something I liked, but I was so happy to be wrong. I quite like it.

Did you make a zine today? Did you try some blackout poetry?


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

ZineWriMo Day 19 – Zine Wiki Day!

Happy Friyay, dear zine friends. Even though it’s not technically my ‘weekend’, there’s still a special little sparkle to Fridays. Let’s see what we have for today’s prompt!

Create and/or update your ZineWiki pages

For a few years (I believe) Zine Wiki has been experiencing problems and there was a bit a stir trying to find who ran it and figure out how to fix it. It has been up and running in its new shiny glory for a while, but I still wanted to include a ZineWiki Day just in case anyone hadn’t been there yet or (gasp!) heard of it.

Even though I got into playing with HTML when I was pretty young, I still found the ZineWiki to be a little intimidating to start with. Mostly because I didn’t want to do anything wrong! However, a deep breath and a little looking around later, I found my groove again.

If you are familiar with Wikis – or even if you are but want to brush up on your skills – then I highly recommend checking out the editing pages help and have a play around with things until you feel comfortable.

Another tip for learning the codes a bit faster: Check out other complete page (especially ones with elements you like) and press the edit tab to get familiar with the codes. You can even copy things from one page into a new page or page that you are editing.

I could have sworn that I’d set up a page for myself way back, but I couldn’t find me. (Be sure to search for the page you are looking for before creating a new one.) I do love a fresh start, however, so I happily got a start on my page. Yes, only a start though. I updated the Dear Anonymous and Dear Cupcake pages as well as getting a start on my page, but there are many pages to go! I’m so excited.

Let me know if you set up/updated a ZineWiki page.


Stop by and say hello to other participants:

*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines

Mini-Zine Review: Sometimes People Don’t Suck #4

Sometimes People Don’t Suck #4

Sometimes People Don’t Suck 4 is a black and white one-page mini-zine featuring a story about a chance encounter with a stranger and momentary bonding over an awe of nature.

If this title sounds familiar, it may be because I reviewed
Sometimes People Don’t Suck 1, 2, and 3 as well as Sometimes People Don’t Suck 5.

HRW was incredibly generous to send me this zine after I mentioned how much I love the series and how my completionist heart needed the fourth of the series. This mini fits right snugly nice into this good feels series with a short story about following a hawk that led to a brief but interesting chat with a stranger.

HRW launches right into the story with typed text set on patterned backgrounds. The backgrounds bring interest visually but aren’t so intense as to take away from the story itself.

I absolutely adored this story. There’s a point at which the stranger asks, “What are you looking at?” which I immediately interpreted as aggressive. Tone of voice and body language can be everything, as can be previous experiences. I don’t know if other readers will have that immediate gut reaction, but that reaction made me appreciate the ending and the overall story itself all the more.

It can be a little difficult to find these zines if you come across one and want to go looking for the others, as the only identification is the “HRW” on the back. However, a title search along with that will bring you to my past reviews to help guide any curious people.

I think we could all use reminders that sometimes people really don’t suck, and this whole series is great at doing that. I imagine whether or not this series continues depends on how many more experiences HRW has had or will have in the future. But I truly hope this is a mini-zine series that goes for a very long time.