Hello zine friends! I write to you on a rainy Saturday, hardly believing that the month is already wrapping up. So here I go with the final prompts…
International Zine Month – Day 28 – Favourite Zines
Today’s prompt is:
Post online about your favourite zines!
Noooooooo, I can’t do it! I can’t pick favourites. Haha. Truly. I know how it seems, but I really am going to bow out of this one. I’ve read and enjoyed so many zines over the years, I don’t want to pick favourites. Yes, there are different zines that have different impacts, but I want to shout out my love for all of them. You can always check out the Zine Review Index if you’d like to have a look at the zines I’ve reviewed over the years.
International Zine Month – Day 29 – Zine Selfie
Today’s prompt is:
Take a photo of you with your zine or zine collection and post it online.

I may have tried to think of a way to not do this one because I take pictures with the mail on Happy Mail Mondays, but… sometimes you just have to stop, drop, and selfie. So here I am with some of my favourite zines I have made over the years.
International Zine Month – Day 30 – My IZM 2021
Today’s prompt is:
Write a letter or online post about your IZM20221 experience.
I’m not ready for it to be the end of July already. I’d say that July isn’t what I had expected, but I haven’t been real big on setting expectations for how things will go for a long time now. Life has a way of always turning out different anyway, so I’d rather be a boat trying to go along with the waves than fighting against the waves for the sake of a set course. (That’s just where I am in life at the moment.)
As per usual, it’s been about practising what I preach. Let things go and don’t stress because IZM and things like it are about having fun and connecting. It’s not another job and not something you should feel bad about if you don’t get every day on the day. It turned out that *Hadass’ way of grouping days together is what’s worked best for me. And so it goes. Twenty Two Zines took that approach in their videos, too, and it totally worked!
It’s been a good IZM this year. An IZM that we perhaps needed a bit more than in previous years (we definitely needed it last year to) and will continue to need as we rock into the 2020s.
I’m rambling again as I always do, but that’s just the state of things on a rainy day. Yeah, I wish I could have been more involved with things this IZM. More connected with everything that’s going on. But I still had a good time. I still got to enjoy great posts and videos by fellow zinemakers. And I had some fun.
I hope you did too.
International Zine Month – Day 31 – HallowZine
Today’s prompt is:
HallowZine! Remember zines and zinesters that are no longer with us.
One of the interesting things about the zine world is how not everything is ‘forever’. That’s part of what makes zines special, but it also makes the zineverse sad, too. We know things are finite, but zines can remind us of that a little more than we’d like them to.
With the state of the world, lives, mental health, and a myriad of other things, we’ve seen distros close, zinemakers stop, and zine series’ stop as well. Some closed with announcements while others faded. It’s always sad to say goodbye.
Here’s to the distros to have closed, the zinemakers who have stopped making, the series that have disappeared, and, of course especially, here’s to the zinemakers who have passed on to the parts unknown. Best wishes and thoughts to all in your next great adventures.
Like with all years, I like to keep a running list of links to people/places participating in International Zine Month. So if that sounds like you, then please let me know! Comment here on the blog or send me an email at seagreenzines at gmail
*Echo Publishing